How to transfer Windows Desktop onto SD card?

Wonderful review, RumoredNow, thanks a lot indeed.
You got to the relevant points of my question.
Now, I can explain better my need, though I thought my question would not raise so many issues.
Actually, I have a Windows 10 new tablet, to which I want to transfer all my present Windows XP laptop working Desktop.
The problem is not the transfer of course, I can do that with the help of a microSD or an external HD.
Apart from being able to make my Desktop appear on more than one PC, the real problem is that the tablet hasn't got very much memory space, therefore the idea to get, as you said, a Q:\Desktop, where I can organize all my files.
I find the way Windows works, with Desktop, Documents, etc not very functional, as you dont organize your wotking files like Music, Photos, etc but most efficiently like Rome, Istanbul, Recipes, Admin, Home, Salary, Ford, GM, Apple, etc etc with all sorts of files inside each folder and subfolder, files like .jpg, .pdf, .xls, .doc etc
I normally organize all this on my Desktop, so that I have it directly under my eyes and it is also a way not to forget important things and files before archiving them in the right folders.
So, I am not so concerned by the issue of the partition, actually at the moment my issue is how to create a simple D:\Desktop on the microSD card which can be recognized by Windows as the Desktop of my "username" (a username with administrator power, of course).

Hopefully, it is clearer to evrybody what is my question, probably the result of my own way to use a PC, but that's the way I use it since 25 years and unfortunately Microsoft didn't change it in the mean time.
I really hope that with the growth in the memory space on SD cards and the shrinking of memory space on the PC HD (SSD mainly), where Windows is installed, Microsoft can change this obsolete system setup.
On the other side, I amnot vey interested to put Windows entirely on a misroSD card, as 1) I'd not have the booting speed of both the OS and programs and apps and 2) I'd have again a memory space problem.

In one line: I just want all my working personal files on my Desktop folder and the OS and programs and apps on the machine, or, in other words, as said in the beginning, just my Desktop on my SD card. )))) Thanks a lot for all your contributions!

yes, now I did understand. haha. sorry for earlier. good day. :)
... and ultimately pointless. But that's just my opinion.

Well, of course if you like the Windows setup, with Desktop (for what?), Documents all in one folder not on Desktop etc etc, you have no problem. But saying that the question is pointless when preferences are different is not very kind. Avoid judging others' preferences, when they just ask for solutions. If there's a solution, ok, if not pointless is only the judgement, isn't it?
Hi My 2 cents! I see no judgements. I only see a healthy discussion. WC has became a great help forum because of discussions like this, and we can all agree to disagree. Different strokes for different folks!:wink: You question was different and well answered by @Rumored. We are a team here on WC. We don't judge or criticize here at WC.
Here's the quote from@ shmsnh "Looks like I was right when I thought it would be complicated... and ultimately pointless. But that's just my opinion."
So what you're basically saying is; you can have your opinion but others can't!:grin:

"But saying that the question is pointless when preferences are different is not very kind. Avoid judging others' preferences, when they just ask for solutions. If there's a solution, ok, if not pointless is only the judgement, isn't it?"
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your last line is to the point ;)
I didn't start with any opinion, just a question, to which I expect an answer, not an opinion, which, by the way, without facts, is in the end a judgement, isn't it?
Well your desktop file and shortcuts are stored in your C:\Users\accountname\desktop folder.

How to Change the Location of User Folders in Windows 10 - dummies

Thank you very much, orlbuckeye, this is the simple and effective answer I was looking for. By the way, the article you cite explains exactly my very objectives, the same as I did in a previous post above. I am very glad that I am not the only one to have this kind of needs in Windows. Thanks again!
Hi! I'm very happy that WC was able to help you with your issue. We have the best and smartest techs here. We work as a team and we respect each other. We have different sections where we hang out in. Join the team and share your knowledge with other users!:wink: I hang out in AaQ!:grin:
Hi! I'm very happy that WC was able to help you with your issue. We have the best and smartest techs here. We work as a team and we respect each other. We have different sections where we hang out in. Join the team and share your knowledge with other users!:wink: I hang out in AaQ!:grin:

Well said my friend. Well said. :D
nice words, my friends.
however, try to laugh less at what you don't understand, in a first instance ;)

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