How's this x3 battery life?


New member
Oct 26, 2016
Title says it all ,

Interested to see if I made the right choice picking up the 950xl or should have gone with the x3
Battery life is amazing, I run it pretty hard (checking email all day, checking web sites, news, etc.) and am usually at around 65% at the end of the day with no charging.
I haven't done any actual tests, but it seems to last quite a bit longer than my Galaxy Note 5 did (and that had pretty decent battery life). I'm very happy with it.
I think the battery life isn't that great personally, not when the similar spec Edge is pushing double the screen on time with the same 820 chip.

Thats not even mentioning the other Edge variant pushing x3 screen on time.
At the end of 24 hours of medium use (Spotify, Outlook, Edge, news, etc) I recharge my X3 with about 30% charge left. The only thing I found that kills my battery is a game called Crash Dive but I suppose the X3 is not really aimed at the Crash Dive gamer. Great battery. Great device.
on the lumia 950xl had to charge at least twice per day, x3 only need to charge at night, usually has about 30 % left after med to heavy use all day.
Battery life is amazing, I run it pretty hard (checking email all day, checking web sites, news, etc.) and am usually at around 65% at the end of the day with no charging.

Wow, thats pretty awesome stuff! Thanks for the feedback. :)
some companies which won't be mentioned keep making their devices thinner and battery life suffers.
Always love smartphones and laptops with good battery life.
At the end of 24 hours of medium use (Spotify, Outlook, Edge, news, etc) I recharge my X3 with about 30% charge left. The only thing I found that kills my battery is a game called Crash Dive but I suppose the X3 is not really aimed at the Crash Dive gamer. Great battery. Great device.
I'd have to agree. Only using the x3 for about 3 days now, so it could yet do a little more calibrating. However I am coming up on 24hrs of being off the charger and it is at 39% left. Lower brightness most the day, mostly web/video/email/text-skype usage.

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Battery lasts a LOT longer then my 950xl did. Pretty much everything is better on an x3 except the camera - and the camera on the 950xl is FAR better. If you don't have a DSLR for good shots and are accustomed to lumia camera quality - then the camera alone is worth going with the 950xl. If you don't care about the camera, then the x3 is leaps and bounds better than the 950xl. FYI, I used a 950xl as my daily driver since launch, loved it - but it fell less than a foot and the screen shattered, so I decided to go with the x3 instead of paying full price for a 950xl to fix the screen (which is what microsoft said it would cost "full price of the phone").
Battery lasts a LOT longer then my 950xl did. Pretty much everything is better on an x3 except the camera - and the camera on the 950xl is FAR better. If you don't have a DSLR for good shots and are accustomed to lumia camera quality - then the camera alone is worth going with the 950xl. If you don't care about the camera, then the x3 is leaps and bounds better than the 950xl. FYI, I used a 950xl as my daily driver since launch, loved it - but it fell less than a foot and the screen shattered, so I decided to go with the x3 instead of paying full price for a 950xl to fix the screen (which is what microsoft said it would cost "full price of the phone").
Ya the way they assembled those with the big slab of gorilla glass makes it a pain to do it yourself. I agree on your assessment. Battery for days here. I'm not a huge camera guy. The durability, dust proof, and water resistance makes it a no brainer decision for me too.

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Getting about 14 hours usage from my lumia before its lights out.

Won't purchase the elite x3 as it seems as a beta device again with so much wrong in it.

Guess il wait for the elite x3 plus? Or elite x3s? Or what ever is after?

It's not fully polished yet..
Getting about 14 hours usage from my lumia before its lights out.

Won't purchase the elite x3 as it seems as a beta device again with so much wrong in it.

Guess il wait for the elite x3 plus? Or elite x3s? Or what ever is after?

It's not fully polished yet..
So much wrong with it? Like what?

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I have been off the charger for 14 hours with 72% left.
I have had the wifi and Bluetooth on all day
Streaming an audio book off and on for a total of 2 hours over the Bluetooth.
Multiple calls and text, as well checking the news, weather, Windows Central, etc...
Battery has been holding up nicely on the x3.
If I use it heavily for a day with photos, nav, news, text, Skype, etc..... I get down to @ 30%.
I'm still a year out from being able to get a new phone on contract, and if the X3 is still around that's where my money is going. My 950 has truly shocking battery life.
I have a 45 minute train commute in the morning. In that time I'll listen to music and read the news, maybe check emails and send a few texts. By the time I'm at the office the phone is at 20%.

It's been that way since the first day I got it:(
I reset my x3 several days ago with the WDRT. Updated to the latest prod build 14393.448. Since the last 24-48 hrs I've noticed impressive battery life. Much more than using my phone with updates out of the box. It shows impressive stats. For instance I use the battery x pro app and it shows 1 hr 14 min charging today, 12 hrs 8 min off the charger and at 96% left 2d 2h 47m of battery left.

It's really good news for me, and it's improvement...but...When is Microsoft going to figure out a way to beat the odds of having to reset our devices after every upgrade/update to get them working optimally?

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I wonder if you updated the device. I found the battery life on the 950 XL be quite impressive. Some builds, however, with leave me less than impressed.

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Yeah, I'm on the latest non insider build. I'm pretty obsessive about keeping my os and apps updated.

I think the problem is that I use continuum, so my phone is hooked up to a screen and keyboard and acts as my daily PC all day, for about 8 hours. One of the problems with continuum is that the phone screen is constantly on and the battery is on a constant charge cycle. I think that those two factors basically damage the battery very quickly.

That's my closest guess

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