HP Elite X3 selling for $799.00 in the US!

His office was on a corporate AT&T account.

Thanks, at one time in the SF Bay Area, HP was on Verizon so I will get an update = if HP, sales people are forced to switch to AT&T, then those of us "hoping for a Verizon solution" are doomed !
Called it! $699. Although I did predict that this price would include the base dock. I imagine 2 months after release it may. I'll definitely be giving this phone a go!
Mentioned this in another thread but figured I wouldn't post here as well.

For anyone interested I got to see the phone, dock and lap dock from our HP enterprise rep yesterday. I'm really trying to get them to send us a demo but based on what I saw I can understand why it's not available yet.

They are still actively tweaking things with the phone. Scrolling was pretty smooth but it had a few hiccups. The screen is pretty damn nice. Both hello and fingerprint were not active so I couldn't test that. Likewise, I was not allowed to take pictures to post here. The camera itself I found to be acceptable but I realized how spoiled I've become with cameras on the 950 or Galaxy Note 5.

The lap dock had a bit of weight to it but was sleek. I liked the fact that when opening the hinge creates a subtle tilt for typing. Firmware was really sketchy on it. The trackpad didn't work at all and continuum not only had issues connecting but it also dropped connection once. Screen was acceptable, not a touch screen of course. HP workspace was actually pretty slick - I got to use project and Visio a bit. No word on pricing. I couldn't get the 950 to connect to the lap dock at all but again, there were some firmware issues. The rep had one of the mobile specialists with him who stated he's flashing firmware revisions all the time on it.

699 for phone, 799 with desktop dock. The lap dock is 599 or 499 with the phone. I made it clear as did my manager that even for enterprise that is a steep price for the lap dock. I got the impression this wasn't the first time they have heard that statement. I very much got the impression that they viewed the lap dock as some marvel of engineering. It was nice, but not spectacular. 599 standalone for what is basically a thin client-like device is absurd.
699 for phone, 799 with desktop dock. The lap dock is 599 or 499 with the phone. I made it clear as did my manager that even for enterprise that is a steep price for the lap dock. I got the impression this wasn't the first time they have heard that statement. I very much got the impression that they viewed the lap dock as some marvel of engineering. It was nice, but not spectacular. 599 standalone for what is basically a thin client-like device is absurd.

Thanks for a great post. I wish I could double like it. :)

I agree totally that the prices for this equipment seems a bit steep. I can only assume they're targeting smaller enterprise companies or startups who have some level of flexibility in their IT systems and some cash to splash.

Though I like the idea of the lapdock is still lacks in the fact it is continuum and you're only working on phone apps and not x86 software.

I think for Windows 10 to become more relevant the world needs a mind shift and the ability to use Continuum anywhere would be a good place to start. However, I don't see that happening. No one is going to want to carry around a lapdock and trying to find a place to use the desktop dock will not be easy either.

Going by personal experience and thinking about travel.
Whaaat?? It should not be more than 200. You can buy a full-fledged laptop for 599!!!

They haven't released the pricing for anything over here in the UK but I'm assuming it will be similar to the US as it typically is.

So most likely ?699 for the phone, ?599 for the lapdock etc... or somewhere near that.

It's funny reading comments on articles on this thing. There's people talking about admin staff using these things... I can't help but wonder why an admin person gets a phone or an expensive computer to use at their work? I'm obviously working in the wrong industry and company.

I do have one question. I don't own a 950, just curious how it handles large excel sheets and powerpoints. Anyone? I assume the X3 will handle them OK but typically they're two the things most people in enterprise use in office, aside from Word.
Thanks for a great post. I wish I could double like it. :)

I agree totally that the prices for this equipment seems a bit steep. I can only assume they're targeting smaller enterprise companies or startups who have some level of flexibility in their IT systems and some cash to splash.

Though I like the idea of the lapdock is still lacks in the fact it is continuum and you're only working on phone apps and not x86 software.

I think for Windows 10 to become more relevant the world needs a mind shift and the ability to use Continuum anywhere would be a good place to start. However, I don't see that happening. No one is going to want to carry around a lapdock and trying to find a place to use the desktop dock will not be easy either.

Going by personal experience and thinking about travel.

Agreed. The HP Workspace app was handling that x86 emulation pretty well. The rep said they are also working with other companies like Cisco on VM functionality that would integrate into their tool. We are a VMWARE shop and nothing from them. One thing that was a nice touch since I'm an IT Engineer was the the apps when loaded via Workspace shows you little details in the corner like your latency. Made it easy to compare speeds over wireless and LTE.

The desktop dock was really heavy. I could tell they were trying to make sure it wouldn't slide easily on a desk. They actually also will be making different plates that go over top of the desktop dock so you can get extra room to accommodate a thicker case or get a snug fit with just the phone. They also had a folio case with cover for the phone much like what the Jade Primo comes with. The phone itself looked slick in person. I did wish their was maybe some aluminum on the device as the plastic felt a bit cheap, especially where the speaker was at the bottom. Audio was loud, crisp and clear.
Thanks for a great post. I wish I could double like it. :)

I agree totally that the prices for this equipment seems a bit steep. I can only assume they're targeting smaller enterprise companies or startups who have some level of flexibility in their IT systems and some cash to splash.

Though I like the idea of the lapdock is still lacks in the fact it is continuum and you're only working on phone apps and not x86 software.

I think for Windows 10 to become more relevant the world needs a mind shift and the ability to use Continuum anywhere would be a good place to start. However, I don't see that happening. No one is going to want to carry around a lapdock and trying to find a place to use the desktop dock will not be easy either.

Going by personal experience and thinking about travel.

It will probably suffer the fate of the Asus Padfone which has tried this three times without any traction...especially at those prices.
Are they offering the 699 one for preorder?

Sent from mTalk

So far I've only seen the 799 price with the dock out of the Microsoft online store. I think it sells for 719.10 with a student discount though same package deal.
So far I've only seen the 799 price with the dock out of the Microsoft online store. I think it sells for 719.10 with a student discount though same package deal.

Yup looks like student discount works. I think given the specs, and dock bundle, 719 is NOT outrageous. $599 would be a steal for early adopters. $699 would be sweet spot. $719 is cool.
Yup looks like student discount works. I think given the specs, and dock bundle, 719 is NOT outrageous. $599 would be a steal for early adopters. $699 would be sweet spot. $719 is cool.

Ya decent price for what you get. I just can't justify the need for it at that price unless I sell my current laptop and us the x3 as my replacement. I have a feeling that it might not come down in price quickly from where it is.
Way overpriced. Maybe some commercial enterprises will invest but many apps .wont work yet.

Will be a non-factor in the consumer market.

Just wait about 4 months, as lack of demand will drive the price down (can you say 950s)
I was all set to pick up one at a discount through work, but I was able to get a 950 for under $100 last week. As nice as it is I can't justify the price over what I got the 950 for.

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