HP Pavilion X2 10.1 and Disk Space -- Help?


New member
May 20, 2013
Hi. I recently purchased an HP Pavilion X2 10.1 Signature Tablet. It is a 32Gig machine. I use it for my day to day basic business functions so I've stripped most of the apps off of the machine. I also keep my email storage very light, only showing about two weeks of email at a time in the app. I do have both a Live account and an Outlook account on the machine though (different email addresses)

When I checked this morning I found that I was using a 12.7 of 21.7GB on the machine. This is despite the fact that my apps only account for 166MB.

I am trying to figure out what is consuming space. I have no music on the machine and while the photo's app is connected via one drive I have nothing in my camera roll either.

I deleted my internet browser history this morning but that didn't change anything.

Couple questions. First, should I be concerned that I've already chewed up that much memory (I've had this for about a month). Second, is 12.7 out of 21.7 something to be concerned about? Finally, what else can I do to help trim back the memory usage? Should I get a micro SD card? What can be put on that in terms of storage??

I love the machine. Just want to be sure I am doing everything I can to watch my memory since it is on the small side.

I use an SD card for extra storage. You can install desktop apps on it to save more space on your tablet.
Do you have office on it? I ha now after installing my basic apps and office 365, about 9.31GB left.
The recovery part takes also a lot of space and I think that some apps are bigger than they looks like. I have some windows store games installed and they take also a lot of space.
Hi. So, could you tell me how you moved your office programs/files onto the SD Card? I did buy a 32GB card and would like to move those files. I am ok with my desktop apps staying on the tablet because I do not have very many apps. I would also be interested in learning any other uses for the SD card beyond storing pictures, music and videos.

Thank you.

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