HR training %, UV index, upgrade?


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Jul 21, 2016
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Hi all,

I have a band 2 and mostly like it. My Band software is 2.0.4892.0 26 R. I am unclear if that is the latest version.

HR - I would like to use the HR training that shows the % of band you are training in. I cannot seem to turn that feature on, or I do not have the latest version use that new feature. ALSO - can the % be modified to how many BPM I want or is it fixed based on age?

UV index - it always says this is available only on band 2 - so do I need to turn it on or does it just not work?

If these are software related and I need to upgrade can someone tell me how to force it to happen? I have uninstalled the app (android) a couple of times as I have read, but I no update became available the next day.

Thanks in advance.

Nate Silver

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Dec 14, 2014
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You have the same software version as me, so I think you're up to date.

I'm currently using a windows phone, but I believe this is the same for Android: to turn on HR zones for an activity, first turn on the tile (tap the run tile, for instance), swipe over to the 'use GPS' option, then swipe down. First option down is to use gps saver mode, swipe down again, and you can turn on HR zones. As far as I know, there is no way to modify the zones, as they are set up based on your age. I guess you could play around with changing your age to change the zones, but that might have unintended consequences!

UV index should automatically be displayed in the Health app as part of the activity summary. For instance, it gave me 21 minutes of UV exposure during my 57 minute run. I think that's about right since it was partly cloudy and at times I was running under tree cover. Today's 2 1/2 hour bike ride gave me 1 hr 23 min UV, which might be a bit shy, since it was pretty much full sun all the way. You also have the option to turn on the UV tile from the Health app, though I haven't done it so not sure how it works.

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