HTC 8x with Cortana ?

Unlocked 8x from Rogers, Canada, no dice with Cortana. Wonder if Rogers has something in the ROM that prevents it even tho I've set everything to US English.
I have an AT&T branded 8x. Have you tried just changing speech language ?
I have an 8X bought from 3 in the UK, I'm experiencing exactly the same. English US shows up but cannot remove English UK, all steps were followed correctly but still no Cortana, the only thing I haven't tried is the hard reset but I'm not going to bother.
i have the same problem with clock on 8X :( , changed everything to US, still no Cortana, i tried hard reset also ..... :'(
I’m also experiencing the same problem with the European (UK) HTC-8x. I'm unable to change the "Phone Language" to English (US) to enable Cortana.

I don't know whether you can flash to an HTC device...

You can but it's not for the faint of heart or the non-tech savvy. The htc8x development section on xda-developers forum 8x by HTC Windows Phone Development - xda-developers is a place to start. As the stock Europe htc-8x rom is available to download I suppose the missing language files could be added from different rom and then flashed to the phone.

Edited due to poor grammar.
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So there are three options right now for non-US/European HTC 8X I guess
  1. Have someone flash a "stock ROM" on it for you
  2. Wait until Cortana comes to Canada or UK (both seem to exist for non-US 8X)
  3. Buy a Nokia :)
I have the same problem in Canada with my carrier. Changing the Phone Language is the critical step. A friend has an 8X with Rogers and he can change his Phone Language to English (United States) and therefore has Cortana. It's more a carrier issue than an HTC issue.
My friend has an 8X on Rogers and he changed his Phone Language to English (United States) and it works.

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