HTC 8x won't get Windows 10. [Speculative]

Agreed, I was just hoping they'd turn back on Preview for Developers to get from 14203 to 14219 again..prob not happening haha
What about this: . I got my HTC 8x screen broken and whether w10 is going to be available for it is what decides if its going to have a new screen and battery or not.
Hey that's no problem for me at least. I've fixed all my Windows mobile/HTC8X problems 1 month ago. I got an iPhone, and my only regret is not getting one sooner.

After switching from iOS to Windows Mobile (of which I was a big supporter at first) and sticking with it for little over 2 years, I can in good conscience say that it is a failed, fractured, crippled, ignored and a poor OS/ecosystem.

I am glad I tried it, but after seeing how much more matured and cared for the iOS system is, I will not go back to it any time soon. Good riddance Windows Mobile and HTC, you poor wretched things, I'll not miss the chain of disappointments you've put me through and the way you made me feel like a cripple!

Both Microsoft/Windows Mobile and HTC can shove their experiments up their bum holes! I'M OUT! \o/
I think this is more HTC not updating firmware for the 8X
than microsoft. I still have this phone and it works
great on W8.1
I also have a lumia 830 as well.
the 8X came out over 2 years ago
compare it to the iphone of that time
and see which one is better
the 8X came out over 2 years ago
compare it to the iphone of that time
and see which one is better

All right I'll pick 2 old iPhones the launched around the same time:

iPhone 4S - launch date oct 2011 - launch with iOS 5; upgradable to iOS 9.2; Latest OS: iOS 9, fully supported - OS support still going

iPhone 5 - launch date sept 2012 - launch with iOS 6; upgradable to iOS 9.2; Latest OS: iOS 9, fully supported - OS support still going

HTC 8X - launch date nov 2012 - launch with OS WinMobile 8; upgradable to 8.1; Latest OS: WinMobile 10, not supported - OS support killed in late 2015/early 2016

And lets not even compare the OS features and the fact that there is an actual software/app/optimisation support on iOS compared to WinMob, or the fact that some old game that are just now coming out on WinMob, still run better on older iPhones.

It's so cheap to get any of those iPhones (4S, 5, 5S) now, that I don't even understand why people keep throwing away money on new WinMob phones.

You know how people used to say, back in 2011, about Andoid, and how it's 2 years behind iOS? Well that's where Win Mobile is right now, stuck in 2011, 5 years behind everyone, with a **** poor support and a dev team that can't seem to get anything right. :grincry:
have a look at some features on the latest IOS
moving pictures for instance
do you know how long this feature has been on windows phone?
BTW for the 8X to get W10 HTC has to give MS the core OS and firmware
so then if needed it can be used by the recovery tool
to roll back.
BTW for the 8X to get W10 HTC has to give MS the core OS and firmware
so then if needed it can be used by the recovery tool
to roll back.

Microsoft **has** all of the ROMs for the 8x in this possession. After the accidental push of WP10 to the 8x, they got them, and that's how all of us with phones that were accidentally updated managed to roll back through the Windows Phone Recovery Tool.

So that's not a valid excuse.
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Found this on Microsoft's forums. Seems like they are testing Windows 10 on 8X devices.
Hola, le escrib? a Microsoft el 08/01/2016 para solventar el problema de incompatibilidad y a?n no he tenido respuesta.

Por favor pueden enviar un enlace para que se instale Windows Phone 8.1 en mi celular HTC 8x o indicarme cuales son los pasos a seguir, ya que desde el 16 septiembre 2015 no he podido casi utilizarlo porque se reinicia con frecuencia desde que se actualizo a Windows Phone 10 Preview que resulto ser incompatible con este modelo de celular, y como desde el 22 diciembre se bloque? total.

Mi segundo hijo que es ingeniero de sistemas (en menci?n computaci?n) tiene este m?vil desde el 31 diciembre ya que intento restaurar el sistema desde una computadora, porque desde la secuencia de teclas de reinicio de f?brica se visualizaba el icono ! pero no presentaba los siguientes iconos de los engranajes. Estos son los mensajes que se despliegan e incongruencia que presenta:

[El tel?fono se reinicia a cada rato, mostrando la siguiente notificaci?n
"Something went wrong (code: 0x80090027). Restart your device too see if that fixes the problem." una vez termina de iniciar, no permite acceder en nada solo muestra este mensaje posterior a ingresar mi PIN, permite bloquear y desbloquear as? como recibo notificaciones de mensajes, pero no puedo verlos.

Utilizando "Windows_Device_Recovery_Tool_3.1.5" en la computadora, luego de descargarse Windows Phone 8.1 e iniciar la instalaci?n sale "Operation Error: A0130001", adjunto imagen del error.

Mientras tanto en el dispositivo, este cambia de la pantalla donde sale la informaci?n del sistema, seriales y c?digos de barras a una pantalla negra con la palabra en rojo GPT_HEADER_FAIL.

Informaci?n del dispositivo:

Modelo: HTC6990LVW (HTC 8X)
Firmware actual: 10.0.13005.0]
Umm.. my HTC 8X is downloading 10586.107 update after I joined Insider release preview circle.

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