HTC: "Don't carry your phone in your jeans"

There was some kind of impact at some point sadly. Not possible to be cracked before its opened. Just the nature of the glass. well technically the coating process. and the fact the case isn't put on by human hands so there is no room for error. So no chance it was a microfracture that just got worse and suddenly became apparent. flexing is a possibility and there is a weak spot (the curved area of glass right before the bezel. Broke mine badly with a 12 inch drop on ceramic) so maybe a 3 inch drop or set down a little too hard on the wrong surface.
I thought I would chime in on this.

I got my blue HTC 8x a month ago and it's starting to get the black / darkened corners.

Hardware rev is 0002 and it was purchased in Romania.
I've given up and accepted the fact that it will darken. I prefer a darkening but feels good phone to a pristine phone that I can't appreciate as much in a case.
Just over a months use now and absolutely 0 blackening or peeling, no covers or anything.

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