I am really wondering why Verizon got an exclusive on the HTC One for Windows. Never on display..

They do come out with their own firmware. Just because they don't seem it necessary to give it a name of a color doesn't mean they don't exist.

The only notable denim feature will be hey Cortana and that will come to any s800 or higher device.
I've never heard of an HTC device having any meaningful update. The name of the software is irrelevant. I've never seen an article nor hype building up for any non Lumia firmware updates.

The most I've seen is when Samsung came out with a few specific things that were better done like the folders thing.

So no....htc has never done anything similar for their lineup period. If I am not mistaken huawei also has released firmware...yet again nothing special really added to it.

As far as hey Cortana...youre speaking on speculation.. Meaning you have no basis for it. Just because it can run it does not mean it is coming to all phones that can.
DOesnt mean it is not...it very well might but given the fact this mentioned during a Lumia event for a Lumia specific update likely means it wont...at least not initially, come to any non Lumia devices.

This is what I want Microsoft to keep doing. If we must have HTC and all these other OEMs make random phones then let them do so. But make Lumia the signature lineup since that is what most people have and want :)
I've never heard of an HTC device having any meaningful update. The name of the software is irrelevant. I've never seen an article nor hype building up for any non Lumia firmware updates.

Any time HTC releases an update, firmware comes along with it. They don't name the firmware. In addition they like throw their apps on the store for quicker updates so that firmware is mostly driver updates.

So no....htc has never done anything similar for their lineup period. If I am not mistaken huawei also has released firmware...yet again nothing special really added to it.

Yes they have. Cyan is merely a driver and Nokia specific app update. The OS is separate. HTC does the same thing.

As far as hey Cortana...youre speaking on speculation.. Meaning you have no basis for it. Just because it can run it does not mean it is coming to all phones that can.

Considering that all but one Nokia phone out there has a soc that can support it, I'd say I am right. Not only that, Cortana is an OS level feature, not firmware. Using hey Cortana is a dead giveaway that it will not be Nokia specific. S800+ have low powered audio DSPs for always listening. It will probably require a firmware update for drivers, however. If MS limits hey Cortana to Nokia only devices, they will doom the OS. They aren't stupid. They aren't opening up WP for everyone just to limit what they are allowed to do with it.

For someone who sells these things (didnt you say that?) you sure don't know much about them.

This is what I want Microsoft to keep doing. If we must have HTC and all these other OEMs make random phones then let them do so. But make Lumia the signature lineup since that is what most people have and want :)

This just shows you don't know anything about business.
Any time HTC releases an update, firmware comes along with it. They don't name the firmware. In addition they like throw their apps on the store for quicker updates so that firmware is mostly driver updates.

I never said HTC didn't do firmware updates. I simply said the stuff they add to their phones, most people don't know or care about really. It's not like most people who are waiting for Denim presently or Cyan...or even Black or Amber.

So yeah they do firmware updates(which I said)....nothing special(Like I also said).

And yep those HTC apps....gotta praise HTC for their wonderful clock app and a flashlight app and a few other prized gems lol.

Yes they have. Cyan is merely a driver and Nokia specific app update. The OS is separate. HTC does the same thing.
There is a mass difference in Nokia updates(that usually plug in holes of the OS and/or add additional features) vs whatever it is HTC does.

Considering that all but one Nokia phone out there has a soc that can support it, I'd say I am right. Not only that, Cortana is an OS level feature, not firmware. Using hey Cortana is a dead giveaway that it will not be Nokia specific. S800+ have low powered audio DSPs for always listening. It will probably require a firmware update for drivers, however. If MS limits hey Cortana to Nokia only devices, they will doom the OS. They aren't stupid. They aren't opening up WP for everyone just to limit what they are allowed to do with it.

I would love to know how restricting a feature to the line up that 95 percent of the customers use would Doom the OS. To expand a bit, let's look at the desktop(Microsoft's throne as of right now). With so many news/rumors coming out about this OEM or that oEM either focusing on chromebook or lessening their sales in a particular company, it is time for Microsoft to stop trying to appease these OEMS.

We got to see a bit of actual effort and muscle from Microsoft in the Surface Pro 3 and the fact that that is a product I always hear about in the news. Tbh, I've never really heard much about any windows related tablet/pc as much as I hear about the Surface.

it makes me wonder what would happen if Microsoft stopped chasing these OEMs to try and convince them to give Windows Phone a chance(and even if they do, the OS is still a #2 to them with Android as Number 1).

How on earth is making a feature, any feature, exclusive to Lumia going to doom the OS? I guess we will ignore the fact the platform only got steam and moved numbers BECAUSE of the Lumia lineup in the first place.

As open as Android is, you do forget that google themselves close off the OS and that even their own Nexus line either gets updates WAY in advance than the other phones and sometimes even have specific features only found on their Nexus line up.

it doesn't doom the OS.

I know plenty about business. I am not calling myself an expert. But if Microsoft actually listened to its userbase they'd know the masses are calling for

925 replacement(since most don't consider the 930 a successor)

1020 replacement(Same size, same camera, better processor and they are happy).

1520 replacement

Nobody is calling for front facing speakers(though I am sure we wouldn't mind), Ir blaster(again most people wouldn't mind probably)...I'd take an SD card slot though.

IMO, Microsoft is going about it the wrong way. At least in the high end department....Low end is fine. Let Blu and all these other lesser do what they do.

In the high end department, they need to be king and show what the OS is capable of fully and releasing exclusive features and stop trying to chase this OEM and that OEM.

Sales have spoken...the people want lumia. The fact people are holding on to their 920s or even 900s from 2-3 years ago instead of upgrading to the One M8 or if they do upgrade to the One M8, it's usually because they just want something new until the New lumia lineup comes out.

I am not bashing the M8 but I wish people would treat the M8 for what it is. A great windows phone that gives people an option but it is nothing special anymore than any other Lumia nor is it what the masses are demanding.

Sales has proven that so far :)
I never said HTC didn't do firmware updates. I simply said the stuff they add to their phones, most people don't know or care about really. It's not like most people who are waiting for Denim presently or Cyan...or even Black or Amber.

Source for your statistic of most people?

And yep those HTC apps....gotta praise HTC for their wonderful clock app and a flashlight app and a few other prized gems lol.

I'll forgive you because you don't have this phone and don't know squat about it, but there are more than that on there.

There is a mass difference in Nokia updates(that usually plug in holes of the OS and/or add additional features) vs whatever it is HTC does.

No there isn't apart from time to release.

I would love to know how restricting a feature to the line up that 95 percent of the customers use would Doom the OS. To expand a bit, let's look at the desktop(Microsoft's throne as of right now). With so many news/rumors coming out about this OEM or that oEM either focusing on chromebook or lessening their sales in a particular company, it is time for Microsoft to stop trying to appease these OEMS.

Because every S800 and up phone, which will be A LOT in the near future will support it. Think bigger than your own narrow vision. MS will open up the API and you know it. Microsoft thrives because of OEMs. For them to shun them, is to hurt themselves and in a big way. Surface wasn't to compete with OEMs, it was to up the game. Nothing on a Surface cannot be had on any other OEM device.

How on earth is making a feature, any feature, exclusive to Lumia going to doom the OS?

See my last comment. You can't increase OS adoption by screwing your OEM partners. Android got to where it was by opening up to everyone. Apple is only where it is today because it was the first and still has the strongest app ecosystem. MS will open up the API.

As open as Android is, you do forget that google themselves close off the OS and that even their own Nexus line either gets updates WAY in advance than the other phones and sometimes even have specific features only found on their Nexus line up.

No they don't. OEMs have the same exact OS level access at the same time. They release slower because a) they have their own overlay they need to integrate and b) they have carriers to contend with. They could even release at the same time if they wanted, thanks to the PDK.

As for the rest, that is just Lumia ****** silliness. You say you aren't bashing the M8, but you do every time.
I just purchased a One M8 for Windows today and they had it on display front and center of the store..
Ugh I hope the retiring of the icon has nothing to do with this phone. Though it does make you wonder what will happen with the HTC one and the se

I went in to check out about the icon and it was gone though the m8 was still obscure and hidden away like a mistress lmao

I have no clue what phone I am going to recommend to my friends on Verizon who want to try windows phone. One of my close friends wants to get a windows phone and I really have no idea what to recommend as verizons other offerings are nothing I support and questionable support makes you wonder the longevity of these devices
The store that I got my M8 from had the Icon and the Htc on display. Only problem was that when I said that I wanted to check out the M8, first the rep laughed at my choice and then tried to sell me something else. They said that windows OS is horrible, but that if I must have an M8 to buy the Android version.
Why didn't you ask to speak to the manager? If he/she can't give you an answer, ask to speaker to their manager. Take it up as far as you have to, to find out who's "pay grade" it is that makes those decisions.

Am I missing something here? I just read where you created a petition around here to get Verizon to do something on updating. I thought you told me not to bother because they don't read these forums? Kudos to you for trying but I'm trying to wrap my head around what I just read... :D

Good luck... MG
I just switched over from the Icon to the M8 last Friday evening and both were proudly displayed at my store. It doesn't mean that salespeople were pushing customers over there (because they weren't) but they were on display with a big Windows Phone sign.
With that said though I have to say this is the first time I had a sales rep that knew anything about the Windows phone. She had the Icon when it first came out and had nothing but positive things to say about it especially the camera. Of course now she was sporting a new iPhone 6 but hey at least she had some knowledge.
Anyways my transition from the Icon to the M8 went smoothly (besides having to remove the dedicated Nokia apps from my M8) and I have to say this phone is definitely snappier. Maybe the Icon will catch up when or if ever it receives the Cyan or Denim update.
IMO the design and shape of the M8 is far superior to the Icon's box / square shape. Fits perfectly in my hand so for "ME" that makes it a better experience over the Icon.
I am still getting use to the cover though, the dot case thing. I like being able to see things quickly though it but it is pretty springy so when looking or typing on the phone it is always being pushy trying to snap back in place.
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To answer the OP's question : "why did verizon get an exclusive on this phone?" Because they hate Windows phone users, they do not like to sell windows phones and will probably do whatever they can to screw it up, or worst, like they have just done with the ICON, they just never push out any updates, then just kill it in less than a year. I really despise Verizon, but have to use them for work, thank goodness I have AT&T for my personal phones.
Was it a corporate Verizon store, or an independent franchise store that did not have it on display? I read elsewhere that the independent stores only stock best sellers, so they get more commission from Verizon, and that the Windows Phones, in general, are missing from their stores. Also read that the corporate stores have the Verizon logo on their doors, and the independent stores do not. Don't know if either of those statements are true, but the store nearest me is a corporate store, and they have the HTCOne for Windows and the Lumia Icon on display.

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