I am really wondering why Verizon got an exclusive on the HTC One for Windows. Never on display..

I have went into numerous Verizon stores including the one that I purchased my HTC One for Windows at and there is never a display model of the Windows version to this day. (Or the day before yesterday when I stopped in.) I went to a couple other Verizon stores to see and there weren't any. I went to Costco and stopped at the Verizon kiosk and no Windows One. I went to Best Buy tonight and once again the only phone absent was the Windows One.

Why do I care? Simply because I know if it sells good more developers will come onboard the platform. I can't figure out the end game for Verizon getting the exclusive but I'm sure they have one. Anyone care to guess what that might be? It is just an online selling deal for them they don't care to educate their brick and mortar employees with? I know if it was laying out it would get it's fair share of selections if the sales personal weren't pushing them away with what little some of them know about phones and platforms.

I have had a car phone since mine had a push to talk much like a CB and they weren't cellular. I've had all the platforms and all the major carriers. I've had Palm Pre, Samsung, Apple, the old bag phones and lots of variations of the Android. I even have the new IPhone 6 coming for my other phone number but to be honest about it I really like the HTC One for Windows the best of all of them so far. Maybe it will start to break or something or crash all the time but right now it's just the neatest phone out there for me. I played with the new IPhone at BestBuy tonight and I didn't get that moved. I guess once the other one gets delivered I'll be able to see if anything really moves me. Very nice feel but it was way too similar to my 5s and on the way home I already told my 16 year old if he gets mostly A's on his report card I'll take his 5s and he can have the new 6 plus.

Not blasting Apple at all. They really did a great job and after reading the Steve Jobs biography I really kind of got it and his hatred of Android. I think when Windows figures out who is on their side to help them promote their phones they might get somewhere. It certainly isn't Verizon.


That's nice and all, but it's getting nothing accomplished posting here. Send this to Verizon's Board of Directors. And that may not accomplish anything either, but at least it's in the right direction.

With Nokia out of the game, I think I'm giving this phone a go when it comes to T-Mobile

What are you talking about? Nokia is the only reason WP has survived.
That's nice and all, but it's getting nothing accomplished posting here. Send this to Verizon's Board of Directors. And that may not accomplish anything either, but at least it's in the right direction.

What are you talking about? Nokia is the only reason WP has survived.

Thats as bad as the "Samsung is the only reason Android survived" claims.
That's nice and all, but it's getting nothing accomplished posting here. Send this to Verizon's Board of Directors. And that may not accomplish anything either, but at least it's in the right direction.

What are you talking about? Nokia is the only reason WP has survived.

It's been my experience running an entirely different (non phone) set of forums that the manufacturers pay a lot more attention then you think they do to posts. I've been contacted on many posts and even have been asked to remove information in posts that wasn't supposed to be released to the general public or they just didn't like it. (Not liking it never works with me as a reason..)

In fact I opined in a very negative way on my new Silverado's MyLink car entertainment system and was contacted privately by a GM representative in private messages imploring me to contact them privately in not one Chevrolet Forum but in two forums by two different customer service reps. You'd have to be not too bright to not pay attention to a forum where your product or service is mentioned in any kind of big way. I would think letting people know you were there worrying about their satisfaction might not be so smart but at least on some forums it is the norm.

I'm assuming you aren't sharing why you know Verizon doesn't look at any of these public areas where people react to their bread and butter?

If you doubt me send me a message and I can send you a link to two different examples
Educated theory? Based on what? Nothing I stated was based on fact, but more on common sense. Top level execs are not even "thinking" about forums. They have more important things in life than internet forums.
Educated theory? Based on what? Nothing I stated was based on fact, but more on common sense. Top level execs are not even "thinking" about forums. They have more important things in life than internet forums.

Wow.. You are a bit of mystery at least on thought processes. Educated in that I run (own actually) a forum with major players worrying about their product (not phones) but for the most part not willing to let anyone know they are paying attention. They do contact me and ask for certain things they'd like set up with the obvious reasons for their needs showing quite clearly. If you really want to argue we could do this privately unless you feel the need to show everyone that you already know what Verizon does because you've got a secret "in" at their company.

Better yet... You can write Verizon telling them your complaints and ideas and I'll just comment here and take my chances on them being a company that really does pay attention out of necessity and assume if I hit a nerve they'll secretly react to it out of a need to show some common sense. Of course you'd have to drop lecturing me on where I can make comments regarding Verizon.

Good luck with that...
I had a reason to check out my kids old Apple 4s at the Verizon store today. The guy that sold me my phone made a point of telling me that I was still the only person who had ever asked for the HTC One for Windows. I went over to the display and he caught me saying they still didn't have one out on display. I gave him a puzzled look and wondered to myself if he thought anyone would come in and ask for a certain type of LG phone by name. Imagine how many of these phones would be selected if none were on display. The Apple phones? Yes. Others? Not so much.

He then just politely asked if I liked my phone. Up to this point it's the best phone I've had was my answer. And it is. I just like playing around with it. I asked again why he thought none were out and he told me it was out of his pay grade. I guess he's right.

I can say unequivocally that if customers got to handle this phone it would put a huge dent in the sales of the phones next to it assuming the Verizon guy didn't sit there and offer up that no one wants a Windows phone.

Is it illegal to just record an event like a visit to a Verizon store with your phone? It would probably be quite entertaining but I wouldn't want to go to jail.

I had a reason to check out my kids old Apple 4s at the Verizon store today. The guy that sold me my phone made a point of telling me that I was still the only person who had ever asked for the HTC One for Windows. I went over to the display and he caught me saying they still didn't have one out on display. I gave him a puzzled look and wondered to myself if he thought anyone would come in and ask for a certain type of LG phone by name. Imagine how many of these phones would be selected if none were on display. The Apple phones? Yes. Others? Not so much.

He then just politely asked if I liked my phone. Up to this point it's the best phone I've had was my answer. And it is. I just like playing around with it. I asked again why he thought none were out and he told me it was out of his pay grade. I guess he's right.

I can say unequivocally that if customers got to handle this phone it would put a huge dent in the sales of the phones next to it assuming the Verizon guy didn't sit there and offer up that no one wants a Windows phone.

Is it illegal to just record an event like a visit to a Verizon store with your phone? It would probably be quite entertaining but I wouldn't want to go to jail.


Why didn't you ask to speak to the manager? If he/she can't give you an answer, ask to speaker to their manager. Take it up as far as you have to, to find out who's "pay grade" it is that makes those decisions.
I am a little confused.

It seems people are surprised this phone is not being marketed as well....when in reality this is the same exact experience for any windows phone, including the much more popular lumia line-ups as well.

It is a Windows Phone people, so the fact that it is not being marketed or displayed is of no surprise.

It makes me wonder if the fact the whether this phone is new to windows phone, it still is an old phone based on the original M8's release date so that might be why they don't display/feature it as much as they could/should especially with newer hardware coming.

(I do see more Lumia Icon displays and SE displays over the One at my local VZ stores both in Cali and NC).

But people for some reason seem to be baffled at the lack of effort on VZW part when this is pretty much how they and every other carrier act with windows phone. At&t is better though...I remember they had a lovely display for the 1020 last year and when I went to go get my iPhone 6 for my brother, they had a little display for the 1520 and 635 as well which I thought was nice.

It's in the center of the store(the Moto X was on the other side) and not off in a corner somewhere so I was impressed.

But at the end of the day, people, it is a windows phone. No matter how special you think the M8 is and if people touch it they will love it, it is a windows phone and this unfortunately is how it always has been and will be until something changes.

At least VZ is better than T-Mobile...and let's not forget how sprint was with the HTC arrive.
The 930 is just an Icon rehash. Old hardware or not, the m8's specs sans camera are better than any other WP based device on the market.

I think the "old hardware'" comment is pretty unfounded because those who seek the latest and greatest hardware are also the minority.
The 930 is just an Icon rehash. Old hardware or not, the m8's specs sans camera are better than any other WP based device on the market.

I think the "old hardware'" comment is pretty unfounded because those who seek the latest and greatest hardware are also the minority.
And the fact is even with those better specs aside from battery life which I can easily get on my 1520, there is no major differentiation between them performance wise.

Lets not exaggerate the m8 performance :D
Several people here who came from the Icon noted the performance difference.

You don't even have this phone, so I think I believe them more than you.
Several people here who came from the Icon noted the performance difference.

You don't even have this phone, so I think I believe them more than you.
I have the 1520 as my personal phone and a boyfriend with the icon as his personal phone(he had the m8 briefly and disliked it and wanted the Lumia windows phone experience) and now a brother with the m8. So I think I know what I am talking about in comparison to all three. :D

I tried to talk my brother out of the m8 but he got it anyway :)

My 1520 vs the m8, isn't anything substantial of a difference. A slight edge to the m8 in some cases but nothing that would make me say the 1520 or the icon is a lesser phone :D

But thank you for telling me what I don't know and don't have :)
Some things I've noticed at VZ store across the street from me.
1) One of the guys at the store likes the Windows Phone platform and says if it just had more apps then it'd be there. He's right, unfortunately...a good number of banks are not on WP, youtube doesn't have support (Google, I know), SiriusXM, etc, etc. It sounds like a broken record. At least this VZ guy was supportive of the platform though!
2) There are limited (I'll count them tomorrow) WP on display. Maybe a single Icon. Heck, this store by me didn't have the new Moto X on display!
3) VZ is starting to slip too. I get (according to my RAZR M) -69 to -72dBm signal and still get voice cut outs...unacceptable.

Contrast this to my AT&T 520 (I'm searching for good coverage so I tried AT&T), which sounds good, gets good signal and voice everywhere, and has Cortana. I have to say Cortana rocks in the short time I've used this feature. Much better at understanding me than Google and sounds like a real person unlike Siri. The 520 is also better performing than the RAZR M which has been more or less destroyed by the KitKat updates. I just wish MSFT could break the carrier update stuff; but they have no leverage.
When I bought mine it was 2 days after the M8 launch day. My Store did not have one on display cause Verizon had not sent them a display model yet. The Next week they had one. The Windows market is getting stronger here compared to a year ago thanks to the Icon and the new M8. The sales rep told me a few people are switching over. I switched from IOS cause I wanted something that worked with my computers without problems. I could not get IOS to work with my computer very well. He also told me some people are just getting tired of the old same boring platform IOS has to offer, and some are switching from android just cause they want to try something different. I really don't care about the App store being small, I am not a big app person and can usually find what I am looking for anyway.
As for those commenting on the m8 who does not have one you should really keep your opinions to your self as this is a HTC One M8 thread. And Just because your boyfriend, brother, mom, or dad has one does not make you an expert on the M8. I could go into the Samsung or lumia threads and spout off my opinion, but it wouldn't mean anything as for even though I know people who has those phones, it does not make me an expert on if the phone is any good or not. I use my HTC phone daily and I think the quality is as good as any other phone out there.
I don't have a lot of apps on my android; but the biggest problem other than apps is the updates. I'm either going to resort to going to Apple (concerned about "bendgate" and iTunes. Nothing like android or WP to just hook into your laptop and go. Also, I must, by now have tons of USB cables and that's another drawback for iPhone. Android support, without a Nexus device, stinks too as carriers don't update the stuff.

Now, I guess, I COULD be a "developer" but I have no desire to develop. I'm really discouraged by the dang service providers as they seem to be the weak link in all ecosystems other than Apple (though I have no clue about Blackberry 10).

The apps I'd like more regional banking apps, Sirius XM, Zipcar (from vendor), official MBTA, rootmetrics, ratebeer. I see Marriott finally came on board. This highlights another issue. I want WP to succeed and the reason I don't have a WP is because of the lack of some of my apps (which are coming...but...just as I discovered Marriott). How many people (not WP enthusiasts) have taken a look over the past few months and almost nothing like an official vendor app is there...and move on?

Just observations and not trying to get flamed (though I'm donning my suit...LOL).
As for those commenting on the m8 who does not have one you should really keep your opinions to your self as this is a HTC One M8 thread. And Just because your boyfriend, brother, mom, or dad has one does not make you an expert on the M8. I could go into the Samsung or lumia threads and spout off my opinion, but it wouldn't mean anything as for even though I know people who has those phones, it does not make me an expert on if the phone is any good or not. I use my HTC phone daily and I think the quality is as good as any other phone out there.

The fact you people think because this is the M8 forum and that people can't speak their opinions about the device, is laughable.
I never said I was an expert however giving that he does have the M8, I do play with it often enough to know what to expect from the device so I know what I am talking about.

Unlike some people who comment that they never used an icon or 930 or lumia 1520 but they are reporting off what others said, I have used the device. I never said the quality was below any other phone, it's a well made phone and if it wasn't for Lumia, I'd likely have one.

I've said the Lumia experience is what makes me love and stay with Lumia as well as the more than adequate support of Nokia the last...3 years or so :)

I strongly look forward to Lumia Denim, features that have yet not been reported to be coming to any other phones(though they could eventually) and I wished HTC could/would come out with their own versions of Amber, Black, Cyan and Denim :D
The fact you people think because this is the M8 forum and that people can't speak their opinions about the device, is laughable.
I never said I was an expert however giving that he does have the M8, I do play with it often enough to know what to expect from the device so I know what I am talking about.

Unlike some people who comment that they never used an icon or 930 or lumia 1520 but they are reporting off what others said, I have used the device. I never said the quality was below any other phone, it's a well made phone and if it wasn't for Lumia, I'd likely have one.

I've said the Lumia experience is what makes me love and stay with Lumia as well as the more than adequate support of Nokia the last...3 years or so :)

I strongly look forward to Lumia Denim, features that have yet not been reported to be coming to any other phones(though they could eventually) and I wished HTC could/would come out with their own versions of Amber, Black, Cyan and Denim :D

They do come out with their own firmware. Just because they don't deem it necessary to give it a name of a color doesn't mean they don't exist.

The only notable denim feature will be hey Cortana and that will come to any s800 or higher device.

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