I can't clear the Temporary files

I'm led to believe the reason this works, is all these temp files are dated now. The OS will naturally go through and clear out files that are outdated. This trick, forces the OS to clear out all the temp files that use this methodology, which is almost all of them, except for xap unpacks. The first time I did this, no BS, I got ?800mb back. Then I used Storage Cleaner app
And got another 400mb. So, I went from frustrated to very happy, that I now had an extra 1.2gb free. I've turned this into a regular thing depending on how many installs, vids I watch, etc....
I'm led to believe the reason this works, is all these temp files are dated now. The OS will naturally go through and clear out files that are outdated. This trick, forces the OS to clear out all the temp files that use this methodology, which is almost all of them, except for xap unpacks. The first time I did this, no BS, I got ?800mb back. Then I used Storage Cleaner app
And got another 400mb. So, I went from frustrated to very happy, that I now had an extra 1.2gb free. I've turned this into a regular thing depending on how many installs, vids I watch, etc....
yes you're right, that's the correct reason..
Hey guys I have about 828 MB in temporary files as shown by storage cleaner. Whereas it is showing only 45 MB in phone storage in settings.but my system files are showing as 3GB
In phone storage any idea how to clear temporary files of 828 MB from storage cleaner app.plz guide me.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
No it is not deleting at all.tried all tricks like setting the date to 2030.still no use.any help thank you in advance.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Date did nothing by itself for me, nor did Lumia's storage checker setting app or the windows storage setting app, but the storage cleaner app here did free up nearly a gig, with the date.
Last night i was updating magnify private beta via cellular data. It was 11MB, and when i checked after a while, it said that i had reached my storage limit and thus it couldn't be installed. Well i surely had 50+MB before installing (that's why the update started in the first place), and now this ? I cancelled the update and saw that just 13 mb were remaining. I turned off cell data and bang. I got a bill of 34MB. DATA sense showed that all of it was in app downloads, while i hadn't downloaded any other apps ! I deleted 2 old apps, and then i updated magnify again. this time it got updated, but i got a bill of 24+MB instead of the 11-12MB. I am certain nothing else was going on, i just use viber and hike which never consume much data in background, and there was no other process in the background worth noting. Can anyone tell what's happening ? Which is this app which is downloading and filling up my storage ?
P.s. I later tried taking my phone date to 2017, and got 21 MB extra free.
changed the date to 2050. after a few minutes ,I looked. The Temp file went from 2.43 GB to 6.83MB!!!! Thank you all for the suggestion. I can't believe that Microsoft has not come up with a real solution to this themselves!
Date didnt work for me. It has reached 1.3gb tempfiles in 4-5 months of use. Luckily my 1520 is 32gb...
Still 1.3gb in 4 months iam looking at a hard reset in 1 year.i hope 8.1 solves this problem atleast a bit.
2 years later, this fix still works like a charm. Thanks!

Manually change your date to the year 2050, say ok and leave your phone be for AT LEAST 20 minutes. That'll get rid of a whole hell of a lot of them. Then after the reduction, just enable the set automatically tab again. Easy Peasy!!

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