I can't get my headphones to work?


New member
Mar 12, 2021
I can't get my headphones to work! I tried everything you told us on your website! But In the sound control panel, I have no headphone Icon to select, just the speaker Icon. I plug in my headphone and it doesn't change. What I have to do is plug it in while the computer is on. RESTART the computer while they are still plugged in. Then log in again for them to work. But then right when I unplug them, and try to plug them back in. It doesn't switch back to the headphones. I'm tired of this. And, I can't download any type of headphone software because I need administrative privileges. Please help!!!!
I have no idea what kind of headphones you are talking about or what directions you followed that you mentioned. I would suggest that if your computer needs some driver for those headphones from their installation software, you will need to reach out to whoever controls the admin privileges to have them allow the software to be installed/updated for the product.

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