I can't sign into my microsoft account?

So I received my sim card from AT&T after some complications and a long headache. Unfortunately that did not solve the issue, but I was able to resolve my problem using a different method. After speaking to someone from Microsoft customer service, he stated that my problem was a know issue and the resolution was to "Restore my phone software".

The representative provided me with a link ( Link: goo -DOT- gl/CEAUqA ) to the page in order to download the "Windows Device Recovery" tool, the page included step by step instructions that were easy to follow. After downloading the software and following the instructions it seemed as though this might actually work, (but that would be too easy, lol) until I ran into a small hiccup. While the tool was trying to download the necessary files it failed and stated that it was not able to download a specific file, and it advised to make sure my "Proxy settings are correct".

I tried a few things but nothing worked, it kept failing, I was finally able to solve the issue by downloading another software tool from Microsoft. I followed a link ( Link: goo -DOT- gl/cnsDYj ) that provided a tool that would reset my Internet Explorer settings. I downloaded it and let it do its thing, it was pretty easy to use and again there were instructions on the page. After the proxy settings were reset I tried to restore my phones software again, and lo and behold it was successful.

The phone software was uninstalled and reinstalled, (NOTE: This process will erase everything on your phone so make sure to back up your files) I turned on the phone and it was as if I did a factory reset, (which I had already tried and did not work) once I got to the part to sign in to my Microsoft account I was able to sign in successfully :grincry:. I had to set up all my settings and contacts again, but thats a small price to pay.

I hope I was able to help others with the same issue, good luck!... Now to figure out how to get this Xbox Music App to stream my music in my One Drive.
This method works.... Simply do a google search for "Windows Device Recovery Tool" and follow the instructions.
Here is the fix that worked for me:

First the history:

Phone: HTC 8x AT&T provider. My phone stopped connecting to the MS store.

Following suggested fixes: None resolved the issue.
Set time and date manually, turn off Wifi, turn off data, reset the phone (several times) Nothing worked.

The Fix: Download and run the Windows Device recovery tool. (be sure to charge the battery first)

Complete instructions including backup and restore data:

(sorry Im not trusted to post links here)

google kb3106218 (or go to windows dot com/htc8xupdate )

Straight to the tool:
(link removed)

This should work for:

All Lumia phones running Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 or Windows 10.
Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL.
BLU Win HD W510U, BLU Win HD LTE X150Q and BLU Win JR W410a.
HTC One and HTC 8X.
LG Lancet.
MCJ Madosma Q501.

There is a separate tool at the same website for Nokias.
I have just bought a brand new HTC 8x phone. It has already been setup. After that i wanted to sign into my microsoft account to access the wp store but i can't. It says "we're having a problem with signing in. Make sure you have good reception. If you do, the problem may be a the other end. Wait a little while and try again". I've been trying to sign in for 4 days now. I've tried using both my wi-fi at home and using my phone internet, but it still doesn't work. How do i solve this problem? Is it the phone's problem? Plese help, i really can't do much without signing in.:unhappysweat:
I have just bought a brand new HTC 8x phone. It has already been setup. After that i wanted to sign into my microsoft account to access the wp store but i can't. It says "we're having a problem with signing in. Make sure you have good reception. If you do, the problem may be a the other end. Wait a little while and try again". I've been trying to sign in for 4 days now. I've tried using both my wi-fi at home and using my phone internet, but it still doesn't work. How do i solve this problem? Is it the phone's problem? Plese help, i really can't do much without signing in.:unhappysweat:

I have the same problem with my Nokia Lumia 620. Am told we are having a trouble signing you in. Make sure you have good reception. If you do the problem may be at the other end. Wait and try later. I have reset my phone, I have verified my age, I have good reception but the problem still persists. I can't download any app. Please help
Same problem with my Samsung omnia W it always says: Can't connect we're having a problem connecting to Windows Live. Make sure you have goog reception. if you do, the problem may be on the other end. Wait a little while and try again

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