I had never heard of getting your new carrier to pay your ETF as an incentive to switch. I just made the Verizon --> ATT move as well, but I only have one phone. Is that common, or only for people who have multiple lines?
I think it is sprint offered the same deal to me except in my area sprint sucks, I would have to say if you have multiple lines and you talk to the store manager I would have to say most likely they will pay the eft for you of course in monthly credits, ( which is the same to me as cash). One thing I did notice though is if I went to walmart.com and signed up with att through walmart I could of saved myself about 400 in equipment charges cause they have online instant rebates however I still would've had to pay the eft's. Just some things to think about if your switching.
my att Tilt, blackberry curve and two razors, data and blackberry plan 70 dollars unlimited on both and 79 dollar family plan and family messaging for all phones 30 dollars, 10 dollars for extra 2 lines. So i'm thinking after taxes my bill should be about 225.
My vzw treo 700wx, Moto q, Amigo (kids Phone), Samsung regular flip phone.
100 dollar plan, two 50 dollar pda plans, 30 additional phone lines, text messaging for all phone 30 dollars plus acouple extra features that im unaware of.