I feel bad for Microsoft. So many whiners that can't read.


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Jun 8, 2013
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Everytime I look on this forum, there are so many people who are complaining about things in Windows 10 that IMHO shouldn't have installed it in the first place. Examples are (but not limited to)

"where is the touch?"

"this is so half baked!!!!"

"*insert feature that was only shown in concept* looks terrible!!!!"

And it just makes me facepalm. Anyone who pays attention and was well-informed knew this was exactly what we would get. With the amount of caveats and warnings that Microsoft themselves and the community gave about what you should be expecting, people were still expecting more. I've said it multiple times in these forums that if you have to question the Technical Preview or don't understand the steps to install it, then it's not for you.

Anyways, this is just a rant. No real purpose here, unless hopefully someone who isn't very technical reads this and decides not to install it, but unfortunately I know they won't.
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Michael Alan Goff

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Jan 15, 2012
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Everytime I look on this forum, there are so many people who are complaining about things in Windows 10 that IMHO shouldn't have installed it in the first place. Examples are (but not limited to)

"where is the touch?"

"this is so half baked!!!!"

"*insert feature that was only shown in concept* looks terrible!!!!"

And it just makes me facepalm. Anyone who pays attention and was well-informed knew this was exactly what we would get. With the amount of caveats and warnings that Microsoft themselves and the community gave about what you should be expecting, people were still expecting more. I've said it multiple times in these forums that if you have to question the Technical Preview or don't understand the steps to install it, then it's not for you.

Anyways, this is just a rant. No real purpose here, unless hopefully someone who isn't very technical reads this and decides not to install it, but unfortunately I know they won't.

I have read, more than once, that this is he "end of Metro as we know it". As if they've shown off Metro 2.0 or something. People also take the stock image of RT to mean something.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I'd like to thank you for being the one to say it.
It's ever so slightly grinding my gears how people are completely ignoring the fact the Technical Preview is for advanced users and then immediately complaining or outsourcing their troubleshooting here. If you have no idea how to handle these issues, you shouldn't have installed! But I want to use the "if you had to ask..." statement more liberally, but I don't want to straight up offend too many people.
It's not a beta! Posting in Feedback wont get you a quick fix from MS!
I feel MS should have been more blunt with their warnings.

/complaint 1

but eh, I should've expected so, considering all the people who refused to read existing threads regarding 8.1 + Lumia Cyan.

I still am annoyed at the knee-jerk whining regarding every. single. move!
They can't do ANYTHING without SOMEONE posting a doom-and-gloom (putting it lightly) thread. No, they aren't that stupid so as to omit a GPS from the 730! No you don't know if the Surface RT will see 10 or not! No the convertibles and other tablets aren't going to die just because a work-in-progress isn't to your standards exactly now. No, the 1520 isn't poorly made just because you broke yours!
Not saying there's no merit to any of them, just saying that people could be smarter about it. But what am I thinking.

sorry, I just wanted to throw this out there, thanks for making a place for it.
/complaining about complaining

have a nice day everyone!


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Mar 17, 2013
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Thanks for all these excellent comments...

Most users think they are experts, which they clearly aren't. They install the Technical Preview on desktop or use the DP for phone, and then wade in with inane comments, complaints and tantrums. User error and lack of any real knowledge is the cause for most, if not all these problems.

We also get the odd 'expert' who says. "I work in I.T....", but clearly know nothing about using devices correctly, or even applying a few simple problem solving techniques to correct the problems. Instead they come straight onto these forums with bleats and moans... Frankly it's pathetic. The fact they work in the 'Information Technology' field is no credential for true understanding of how operating systems or technology actually work.
Anyone can work in I.T. In most companies, the I.T. department know next to nothing about technology. Delays in deployment, hours of 'down time' is endemic, and a real problem.

I have installed the Tech Preview and it works brilliantly. It will be great to see what MS has in store for the RTM release next year. Any problems I have had have been fixed by applying a little 'lateral thinking'. Of course 30 years of 'real' computer knowledge helps. I've seen the same sort of thing over and over again...
Also, I can't understand why so many users have problems with WP eitherl. The sheer lack of knowledge by most users is a little depressing. OS problems, battery drain, resuming screens....Nearly all the fault of the user. They will of course deny it, but it usually is...

Anyway, I've started to rant, so will end... I'm glad there a few like minded individuals, with a sense of perspective... And who can also READ!!!


Apr 17, 2012
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Everytime I look on this forum, there are so many people who are complaining about things in Windows 10 that IMHO shouldn't have installed it in the first place. Examples are (but not limited to)

"where is the touch?"

"this is so half baked!!!!"

"*insert feature that was only shown in concept* looks terrible!!!!"

And it just makes me facepalm. Anyone who pays attention and was well-informed knew this was exactly what we would get. With the amount of caveats and warnings that Microsoft themselves and the community gave about what you should be expecting, people were still expecting more. I've said it multiple times in these forums that if you have to question the Technical Preview or don't understand the steps to install it, then it's not for you.

Anyways, this is just a rant. No real purpose here, unless hopefully someone who isn't very technical reads this and decides not to install it, but unfortunately I know they won't.

There will always be idiots, don't pay them heed. The general public never installs betas or previews anyway so it's a good chance for MS to iron out the issues with Windows 10 before it reaches the public. A few annoying idiots along the way is a small price to pay.


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Jan 31, 2008
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My bigger question is why people who are supposedly experts didn't user a machine that's not their main machine or use a virtual machine this is basic for using tech previews you always make sure you back up first


Apr 17, 2012
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My bigger question is why people who are supposedly experts didn't user a machine that's not their main machine or use a virtual machine this is basic for using tech previews you always make sure you back up first

The problem is that VMWare needs to be updated for Windows 10. If you run it as a Windows 8x64 image it doesn't even come up in full-screen resolution and there other wonky behaviors.
Nov 20, 2012
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I am excited for Windows 10, however I am a bit disappointed that a lot of Metro Features I do love are being dumbed down.

Windows 8(I am using Windows 8 actually now on my OG Surface since I reset it to get back my space) is such a great OS to me and always has been.

Windows 8.1 improved it....

I don't like the fact that Metro has been dumbed down to accommodate those who refuse to adapt and learn but I am excited for Win10 as well.

Though I don't think i'll be installing this preview until the consumer stuff comes out.

I am not expert and can gladly admit that :D


Sep 14, 2014
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I am excited for Windows 10, however I am a bit disappointed that a lot of Metro Features I do love are being dumbed down.

Windows 8(I am using Windows 8 actually now on my OG Surface since I reset it to get back my space) is such a great OS to me and always has been.

Windows 8.1 improved it....

I don't like the fact that Metro has been dumbed down to accommodate those who refuse to adapt and learn but I am excited for Win10 as well.

Though I don't think i'll be installing this preview until the consumer stuff comes out.

I am not expert and can gladly admit that :D

This is not the final product. This DP has been released early to reassure all the enterprise customers that the desktop will be back. Period.


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Nov 12, 2012
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The problem is that VMWare needs to be updated for Windows 10. If you run it as a Windows 8x64 image it doesn't even come up in full-screen resolution and there other wonky behaviors.

Hmm. I installed W10 as a VMWare Player VM and it seems to be working fine. What exact problems are you experiencing so I can look out for them?


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Apr 24, 2012
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The problem is that VMWare needs to be updated for Windows 10. If you run it as a Windows 8x64 image it doesn't even come up in full-screen resolution and there other wonky behaviors.

Windows 8 running HyperV with 64bit Windows 10 installed and running Full Screen FTW!


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Jul 6, 2014
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I'd like to thank you for being the one to say it.
It's ever so slightly grinding my gears how people are completely ignoring the fact the Technical Preview is for advanced users and then immediately complaining or outsourcing their troubleshooting here. If you have no idea how to handle these issues, you shouldn't have installed! But I want to use the "if you had to ask..." statement more liberally, but I don't want to straight up offend too many people.
It's not a beta! Posting in Feedback wont get you a quick fix from MS!
I feel MS should have been more blunt with their warnings.

/complaint 1

but eh, I should've expected so, considering all the people who refused to read existing threads regarding 8.1 + Lumia Cyan.

I still am annoyed at the knee-jerk whining regarding every. single. move!
They can't do ANYTHING without SOMEONE posting a doom-and-gloom (putting it lightly) thread. No, they aren't that stupid so as to omit a GPS from the 730! No you don't know if the Surface RT will see 10 or not! No the convertibles and other tablets aren't going to die just because a work-in-progress isn't to your standards exactly now. No, the 1520 isn't poorly made just because you broke yours!
Not saying there's no merit to any of them, just saying that people could be smarter about it. But what am I thinking.

sorry, I just wanted to throw this out there, thanks for making a place for it.
/complaining about complaining

have a nice day everyone!

I love you, xandros9. :grin:
I was actually thinking to post a thread like this one. Recent threads are all about people whining about something or other! And it's actually getting worse. A lot of these people on WPCentral have an attitude problem.

Bunch of whiners!


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Dec 1, 2012
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To Microsoft's credit, I think this happens because for the most part the previews work so well that we forget that it's a preview. Then we complain if we find a bug.


Jan 14, 2011
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The problem is that VMWare needs to be updated for Windows 10. If you run it as a Windows 8x64 image it doesn't even come up in full-screen resolution and there other wonky behaviors.

I used Hyper-V for the first time via installing the TP. Works great, and full screen. Just like logging in to a remote desktop environment. So far testing it i think it's a huge upgrade for desktop users in a business setting.


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Aug 8, 2013
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Got my first computer in 1979 (Atari 800) and I have had at least 100 or more computers over the last 35 years. For a few years I bought online used computers and upgraded them with better CPU's, CD/DVD drives, sound boards and a different OS etc.. I know a fair amound about how computers work and why they even work. I still have a copy of all the DOS's, Windows 1, Windows 3.1, 95,, 98, Me, XP, 7, 8, 8.1 also several Linux distros. I even keep an old Compaq X86 system running 3.1.1 just to remind myself how far we have come. Not a expert by a long shot, but I know enought to keep myself out of trouble if you know what I mean. I have listened to people complain for 35 years; its not going to stop. Its the nature of the beast. Even today I have two Win8.1 computers, two XP computers (I don't count the old Compaq, its a pet), Four Windows phones, one Android phone, two Android tablets. I keep up with Android just because that is what I do. But Windows is my main phone and it will always be. I wish Microsoft had gotten in the game (really in the game) a few years ago. But I don't think they are too late. I don't think anyone will catch Android but IOS is fading in market share and the door is open for at least three, maybe four OS's. Give them a break, I have been giving them a break for 35 years.

Richard Culverhouse

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Apr 14, 2014
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I've noticed quite a few articles by 'tech journalists' that are complaining about this and that and how Windows is doomed lol

Edit: Typo
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