I found the perfect surface, no issues, amazing battery

What exactly is light bleed?
Back-light bleeding/leaking is when the back light is uneven at the edge of your screen. Appear best on a black background, you will see the light is more at the defective edges ( Appear as it's bleeding or leaking from the edges )
Here is an example:
White arrows shows the defect
Black arrow show how it should be ( even and leakage free )
Back-Light bleeding.JPG
I own a couple actually, but since Microsoft told me that my surface pro 4s should have no light bleed I thought I would try to find one light bleed free. So I did go a Microsoft Store today and the first one I buy had light bleed. I refunded right there on the spot. Keeping the two I bought from BB as they have minimal light bleed but I don't want another with minimal light bleed. Staff at this store too did not know what light blee is.

A lot of the staff doesn't know what lightbleed is, they are trained to use google. I legit had the management at my BB using google to figure out if what I was saying was " real " , then they had the nerve to tell me it would be fixed with a software update. However can they have a job at a tech company. I was very happy to explain to them this is EXACTLY why I go to theit store, see what I want, then promptly order it from amazon overnight.
A lot of the staff doesn't know what lightbleed is, they are trained to use google. I legit had the management at my BB using google to figure out if what I was saying was " real " , then they had the nerve to tell me it would be fixed with a software update. However can they have a job at a tech company. I was very happy to explain to them this is EXACTLY why I go to theit store, see what I want, then promptly order it from amazon overnight.
Had the same experience at 2 different MS store, they had no clue what I was talking about. They just give you mean looks and tell you that you're the first one to complain about this issue. And one of them actually was trying to convince me that this's the normal thing to have.:grin:
Had the same experience at 2 different MS store, they had no clue what I was talking about. They just give you mean looks and tell you that you're the first one to complain about this issue. And one of them actually was trying to convince me that this's the normal thing to have.:grin:

Yup , they like to say it's " by design ", I have multiple e-mails from MS that says otherwise. I have NO idea why with EVERY unit having it, no one can see it. I'm sick of everyone saying " it's just what happens with LCD displays ". Negative, Iphones don't have it, Ipads don't have it Macbook pros dont have it. Granted, their are going to be SOME from time to time, but not like this. Clearly their is a manufacturing problem. They ( reviewers ) blame it on the " thin bezzels " .... they are not even that thin. It's a defect. To be completely honest, I've had TWO refurbs now.. both have none of the hardware, or software issues we see on this forum. I would strongly suggest to see if you can get one.
Yup , they like to say it's " by design ", I have multiple e-mails from MS that says otherwise. I have NO idea why with EVERY unit having it, no one can see it. I'm sick of everyone saying " it's just what happens with LCD displays ". Negative, Iphones don't have it, Ipads don't have it Macbook pros dont have it. Granted, their are going to be SOME from time to time, but not like this. Clearly their is a manufacturing problem. They ( reviewers ) blame it on the " thin bezzels " .... they are not even that thin. It's a defect. To be completely honest, I've had TWO refurbs now.. both have none of the hardware, or software issues we see on this forum. I would strongly suggest to see if you can get one.
You are saying to get a refurb from a store over that of a unit? Refurbished units do not have light bleed?
You are saying to get a refurb from a store over that of a unit? Refurbished units do not have light bleed?

Yes, I know it sounds backwards, but I think when they refurbish the units they do something to fix the lightbleed issue. I've received two refurbs with no light bleed, and much better battery. I did a few very specific battery tests on the surface pro three forums, I can carry over here. but my day is almost exactly the same every day for work, same two browser windows, same music playing, etc. I'm getting 2 - 2.5 hours longer on the refurbished unit. Additionally i'm not getting any light bleed. THat's just my theory of course, but my personal data points in that direction.
Back-light bleeding/leaking is when the back light is uneven at the edge of your screen. Appear best on a black background, you will see the light is more at the defective edges ( Appear as it's bleeding or leaking from the edges )
Here is an example:
White arrows shows the defect
Black arrow show how it should be ( even and leakage free )
View attachment 121594

In all the years I've been using computers I've seen SO MANY screens like the one above. Did I do anything? I never actually even considered sending anything back as, once using the machine, it didn't seem to be an issue. At all.

Since the SP4 arrived I've NEVER seen so many posts on the subject and, to me, it seems like people are latching on to the issue to complain. Fair enough but HOLLY HECK it's odd.
In all the years I've been using computers I've seen SO MANY screens like the one above. Did I do anything? I never actually even considered sending anything back as, once using the machine, it didn't seem to be an issue. At all.

Since the SP4 arrived I've NEVER seen so many posts on the subject and, to me, it seems like people are latching on to the issue to complain. Fair enough but HOLLY HECK it's odd.
Well, in all the years I've been using computers/phones I have NOT see any of them having this issue. Did I do anything? No, because I didn't need to.:evil:

As for the last part, Maybe a lot of people didn't know that this is a defect so they accepted it as a normal thing to have!! Or maybe they're like you, not annoyed from it. So like you said Fair.
New approach to getting a light bleed free surface pro 4. In my quest to find a light bleed surface pro 4, today I have purchased a total of 5 (256, 8, i5). It is my hope that I can come to believe that there truly is a light bleed free surface. I should have my new devices by as early as Wednesday of this week.
New approach to getting a light bleed free surface pro 4. In my quest to find a light bleed surface pro 4, today I have purchased a total of 5 (256, 8, i5). It is my hope that I can come to believe that there truly is a light bleed free surface. I should have my new devices by as early as Wednesday of this week.
If I can only see light bleed at startup, why should I care about it?
You might not care, but MS told me there is such a thing as a light bleed surface and I am looking for one. I figure one out of the five should have one without light bleed. I find it quite interesting cause someone else in this forum too says they have a light bleed surface.
You might not care, but MS told me there is such a thing as a light bleed surface and I am looking for one. I figure one out of the five should have one without light bleed. I find it quite interesting cause someone else in this forum too says they have a light bleed surface.
I find it quite interesting that both of you would waste your time chasing a nothingburger.
I find it quite interesting that both of you would waste your time chasing a nothingburger.

Well I don't drink or smoke which would cost more money than looking for the light bleed free surface. And MS told me to keep returning as many as I like until I find the elusive SP4 without light bleed
I find it quite interesting that both of you would waste your time chasing a nothingburger.

Look, if you are happy with your defective device then that's good for you. Getting a proper device is not a waste of time.
And MS acknowledging the problem so why getting frustrated about other people trying to get a defect free device?!!
And you may see it only when you start the device but I used to see it when I'm watching videos or using it in a low light environment. But again that's not the point. The point is that I want to try the nothingburger:evil:, where I can buy it?!!:grin:
I find it quite interesting that both of you would waste your time chasing a nothingburger.

I actually tend to agree with you. However, Just like collecting baseball cards, I collect something too, I collect wins. I have the luxury of not having to do much during the day, My job allows for me to basically work where I want, when I want, and how I want ( thanks expensive education ). Because of that, I go out of my way to make sure I get what is due to me. Even if it doesn't exists. While I won't speak for anyone else, I will speak for myself. I will drive to a different best buy every day if the need arise. When i'm told I can't exchange a unit, I point to the receipt, if they tell me otherwise, I then escalate, and escalate, and escalate until I can't go any further. I'm the guy most customer service reps don't want to deal with. I'll manipulate you, I'll haggle you, and i'll remember everything you said so I can come back and say " but you said ". I'm the devil on the phone, and i'll even send you an invoice if I have to train your *** backwards customer service reps. It's not ABOUT the device not working, in all honesty, 1500 bucks isn't all that much money, the time I've spent searching for what I finally found was worth way more.

However, for people like you, it's hard to see, it's hard to imagine how people like me latch on to the things I life we do. When my electric company over bills me by a penny, then acts like it's not a big deal, i'm the guy who goes into the office and demands a refund... it's just who I am. So while I understand you don't really care, and rightfully so, some people do, some people care so much, it's a sport to them. So please, don't hate on the sport, embrace it, enjoy the drama!
So you don't have any lightbleed or any problems at all huh? I've got a SP4 and aside from the display crashing/not turning on (which I understand is a software issue which is supposed to be eventually fixed), the lightbleed problem actually is starting to bother me quite a bit.

I'm a little hesitant on exchanging it simply because of all the other problems I've read regarding other Surface units (especially since the light bleed seems the only flaw), but this is the first time I've ever noticed light bleed before, and it actually bugs me a bit. Every time the Surface logo pops up it's annoying, and it's noticeable when watching movies and certain programs in dimmer lighting conditions. I can still exchange it after a month right?
. I can still exchange it after a month right?

As far as I know the answer is Yes.
Supposedly, you can change it as long as it's under the warranty. Just go to MS support page and chat with them, send them photos and they will arrange a replacement for you.
They are more professional than the ones working in stores and well informed too. Good-luck.
As far as I know the answer is Yes.
Supposedly, you can change it as long as it's under the warranty. Just go to MS support page and chat with them, send them photos and they will arrange a replacement for you.
They are more professional than the ones working in stores and well informed too. Good-luck.
Well informed? I would not go that far.
Thanks to the original poster, I decided to go into the store to have it exchanged. I mentioned that I had a problem with backlight bleed, but maybe I used the terminology wrong because he said all backlight bleed was normal and that there were no registered complaints in the system regarding backlight bleed. Anyways, he did end up exchanging it, though I don't think he believed me.

Well, I am happy to report that my only issue was resolved. There is really no discernible backlight issues with my new Surface. As far as I'm concerned it's basically flawless. I have not yet tested anything else, because it's been busy installing updates for the past hour plus, but in that time frame I haven't heard the fan come on yet. So far so good!

As an aside, I had asked about the lot numbers, and asked to get one with a higher number, but the guy told me that lot numbers only refer to where they get manufactured and has nothing to do with the manufacturing date. Not sure if it is true or not, but I'm pretty sure my lot number is even lower than my original lot number.
Off course they weren't telling you the truth. I just recently pick one up for my wife, and the newest lot is 1602, which the bestbuy staff told me they just received these from their warehouse. so far the new Lot 1602 has almost no backlight bleeding from the screen. And everything is working out fine so far.

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