I got my Titan

Sigh, after all this, I may be moving to Sprint. No Titan for me, unless I decide to stick with AT&T. :(

Um....I'm on SprintUsers.com and a former Sprint user myself, and the biggest complaint I hear is how slow Sprint is. You may want to look at T-Mobile or VZW
Sprint has 4G service in my area, so I'm hoping it's faster. Verizon doesn't have the phone I want. T-mobile will be AT&T or out of business next year.
Um....I'm on SprintUsers.com and a former Sprint user myself, and the biggest complaint I hear is how slow Sprint is. You may want to look at T-Mobile or VZW
As a current GS2 owner, would you go with titan or focus S? I think the GS2 is nearly perfect except that it feels real cheap and I hate the back, oh and wp>android. Cmon Nokia!
As a current GS2 owner, would you go with titan or focus S? I think the GS2 is nearly perfect except that it feels real cheap and I hate the back, oh and wp>android. Cmon Nokia!

I went from SG2 to Titan.
I loved my SG2 but like you say it felt a bit cheap & plastic
The Titan feels like a mans phone by comparison - it is more weighty & just feels more substantial and put together well.

The biggest change for me was the switch from Android to WP7.
At first I was missing my 6 homescreens with apps and widgets all over them, now I am used to WP7 and while I still miss some of my widgets I am happier due to the reliability of both the Titan and WP7.
Thanks for the feedback on the Titan and welcome to WPC.

Honestly, after watching the video of the Titan in action, it made me want to try it out, even with my dislike for HTC. Of course, I will probably end up with the Focus S, but the Titan does look pretty sexii!
Sigh, after all this, I may be moving to Sprint. No Titan for me, unless I decide to stick with AT&T. :(

I am on Sprint, and I love the HTC Arrive

Um....I'm on SprintUsers.com and a former Sprint user myself, and the biggest complaint I hear is how slow Sprint is. You may want to look at T-Mobile or VZW

I think this all depends on what area you are in, I went from AT&T to Sprint, and it was noticeably faster from AT&T Blackberry to Sprint Blackberry, and it was massive leap in speed from Sprint BB to WP7.
I went from SG2 to Titan.
I loved my SG2 but like you say it felt a bit cheap & plastic
The Titan feels like a mans phone by comparison - it is more weighty & just feels more substantial and put together well.

The biggest change for me was the switch from Android to WP7.
At first I was missing my 6 homescreens with apps and widgets all over them, now I am used to WP7 and while I still miss some of my widgets I am happier due to the reliability of both the Titan and WP7.

Sweet, thanks! I had an inspire 4G and the design was great! I guess my biggest concern with titan is the screen size, wondering if its TOO big, and I find amoled screens awesome, but the slcd on inspire was good.
Man, after finally getting my replacement Focus, it feels big after using a Palm Pre +. I bet the Titan is going to feel massive!
Thought retina was just a LCD with apple branding at higher resolution. Still crappy 3.5" size which sucks in my mind. Pretty sure the 4s only has 512mb ram as well. So not really better than a titan except for its dual core which seems to only be for the Siri resource hog.

The other point of the A5 chip in the iPhone 4S is it litterally has the fastest SoC GPU shipping in anything right now. The SGX543MP2. EVEN if it's downclocked (which benchmarks on Anandtech indicate to it not being downclocked), it still is the fastest GPU, bar none. Even vs Mali 400, the new Galaxy Nexus' overclocked SGX540, Adreno 220 (to be more accurate, the SGX543MP2 is two SGX540 performance tweaked and put on the same die... there is a *MP4 variant to be used in the PS Vita later next year).

That said, I'm getting a Titan as soon as I can. It's going to replace my current Samsung Focus/Moto Atrix 4G combo. Right now, the only thing the Focus cannot do well is volume balance, lol...

Here are some sample pictures I have taken with my phone since I got it.

I have found camera to be good on close range shots, however when taking shots at Man Utd this weekend from top seats in stadium I had trouble getting a clear shot of the players on the pitch. I used to get far clearer pictures on zoom from my SG2 and even my Desire.

I also found that when taking a shot from far range the image on screen looks really fuzzy but when actual picture comes out it is as per shot attached.
Nothing I could do in settings would improve this, looks like it has some kind of issue displaying shots at max zoom/far away, as soon as it is taken and in gallery it can be viewed fine.
Here are some sample pictures I have taken with my phone since I got it.

I have found camera to be good on close range shots, however when taking shots at Man Utd this weekend from top seats in stadium I had trouble getting a clear shot of the players on the pitch. I used to get far clearer pictures on zoom from my SG2 and even my Desire.

I also found that when taking a shot from far range the image on screen looks really fuzzy but when actual picture comes out it is as per shot attached.
Nothing I could do in settings would improve this, looks like it has some kind of issue displaying shots at max zoom/far away, as soon as it is taken and in gallery it can be viewed fine.

the Hoff! haha

yeah, those look about what i would expect based on the shots in the reviews. seem plenty good enough quality for me. the fuzziness on-screen may have to do with the low resolution of the display, i'd guess.

thanks, cheers!
Yeah, that field shot is a bit out of focus. Not sure if you may have not been perfectly still or something. Any movement at full zoom will cause out of focus shots. The other shots look just fine to me.
I took a few shots of pitch on various settings, that was the best one I could get and I was steady for all of them as I was on a mission to test camera.

Ref screen fuzziness, not sure it is resolution causing it as it only happens when I am actually aiming for the shot, if I check the image as soon as it is taken it is fine.
Only seems to do it on long shots - maybe for some reason it finds rendering zoom shots difficult.

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