I made a "discovery" in Mango? Panoramic photo stitching


New member
Jun 20, 2011
This is something I'm sure power user Molly Wood would never discover on her own. :)

I don't know if its a Mango thing since I happen to be running Mango or just a feature with pictures but while I was taking pictures, I already knew I could swipe back to see the previous pictures I'd taken. But what I didn't know is I could stitch all the pictures in a single, panoramic type layout. By pinching one with a thumb and forefinger they all group into a semi-thumbnail kind of a panorama effect. It works in any album on your phone.

Kinda cool.
Haha yea I discovered this the other day. I was like woah cool! I also found out today you can swipe toast notifications away. Before I would wait 15seconds for them to go away.
great find! Would have never found it, I just double-tap to zoom in. Even the camera live footage is put in place, hah
I'm sure you all know that you can take photos by just touching the screen too rather than using the camera button. :)

My neighbour didn't know this so thought i'd mention it. :)

(Enabled in Settings / Applications / Pictures & Camera)
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