Blackberry had it's time in the sunlight, it was the top in the corporate world for many years, they had a lock on that market, even when the iPhone hit. Their biggest flaw ? It was taking 10 years for OS 10, after it hit, we already had Windows Phone out and it was their doom. It was completely their fault for taking so long to release their next OS...
I don't think this phone will gain the market place, there always will be some BB fans who will only own a BB device and that's cool but, BB's biggest market has moved on iPhones, Android and Windows Phone (to some extent), I actually decommissioned a old Black Berry server the other day (yea, you needed a server for just blackberry, as if you have exchange server, you don't need anything extra).
It's a different design for a phone but, from what I have read, it will not take over the world, in fact most reviewers I saw thinks it's a joke...