I want a small phone, is the Lumia 620 good?


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Didn't know whether to post this in the Phone Wars forum or Nokia 620 forum or here, but this looks more active. So I'll start with an introduction and hope you'll help with my decision.

A few months ago I was asked nicely by people to move from my Nokia 6120c phone to a smartphone, so I can have access to WhatsApp. I ended up buying a THL A3, a cheap Chinese Android phone. The main reason I bought it was that I wanted a small phone. It's still significantly larger than the 6120c, but it's smaller than the vast majority of smartphones. The main problem with it is a bad microphone, with people complaining that they don't hear me well.

So I'm thinking of moving to another phone. My two current candidates are the Nokia 208 and the Nokia Lumia 620. The first is a simple phone but comes with WhatsApp so will cover that aspect. The second is a little bigger than the THL A3 (and significantly heavier), but it's still one of the smaller smartphones around, and is more interesting and it would be easier to type text on it.

I don't use my phone much at all. All I do is take calls (I talk about 2 hours a month) on it and occasionally text. WhatsApp and camera are of occasional use, and I did use Skype once on my A3, and googled something a couple of times.

My main questions are: How is the 620 as a phone? How convenient is Windows Phone for just using basic phone functions? I just want something which works well and is reliable, preferably with a decently long battery life when not used much.

Thanks in advance!

(And by the way, I'm a pretty techy person, a software developer, and I use a Nexus 7 quite a bit. I just don't need to have all that complexity in a phone, since I'm already on a PC most of the day.)
If the contrast is low, I have a harder time reading. Black on white or white on black have the highest contrast, but white on dark blue is fine, etc. It's just that the colour choices on the phone (when not in "high contrast" mode) assure that the contrast of either phone numbers of text messages is low.

Oh I see. It's same with my mom. She has a hard time reading on my phone cause it's has dark background. When I switch to light theme she will able to read it
If you sitll have Lumia 720, take that up. It's a better phone than 620 :) and plus if you really Mobile data, you'll find the battery life of L720 is better than 620.

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