If Nokia creates Android smartphones, which one would you choose?

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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This reminds me of other mergers and acquisitions.

Remember IBM PCs? They're now Lenovo.

Remember Compaq? That was bought out and then discontinued by HP.

Google bought Motorola Mobility then sold it to Lenovo.

Many of the old, well-known OEMs don't exist as we once knew them.

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Dec 1, 2012
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This reminds me of other mergers and acquisitions.

Remember IBM PCs? They're now Lenovo.

Remember Compaq? That was bought out and then discontinued by HP.

Google bought Motorola then sold it to Lenovo.

Many of the old, well-known OEMs don't exist as we once knew them.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

True. But isn't this a little different? Microsoft did not buy Nokia, but rather its mobile devices division. Nokia still exists as a company outside of Microsoft.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Near the end, before they brought in Elop, Nokia was a mess. Once iOS/Android gained traction, Nokia smartphones lost ground fast. Like BlackBerry fast. Then there was the mess of operating systems. Symbian, MeeGo and Maemo were way too many operating systems to juggle. Elop even said that Nokia needed MeeGo out years before it was released and that they focused on the dumb-phone market for far too long. Nokia wasn't ready for the ecosystem war due to a lack of forward thinking. IMO, it will be interesting if Nokia has learned from their mistakes. And yes, I've seen the N1. It seems very "me too," IMO.

I am well aware of what happened in Nokia. They fell victim to the 'we're too big to fail' nonsense. Had their fingers in too many pots and kept doing the 'Nokia' thing. Which continued with their making of WP I might add. I owned several Nokia devices prior to the L920.

Nokia had an ecosystem of apps happening well before Apple even thought of creating the iPhone. You could say essentially Nokia was the creator of smartphones, they just got too caught up in other things and lost the plot. It happens. Whether you think Elop was great or not depends on your point of view.

As for the 'me too' comment you could say the same thing about MS with WP or any other OEM making an Android device. Whether Nokia's name is good enough to still woo the customers is a question mark.

Do I think Nokia has the ability to make great hardware still and make do well in this very over saturated market? Answer is, I don't know. My guess and it's only a guess that they'll target emerging markets first and maybe see about releasing in their strong markets first like India, South America, Australia and possibly the EU. It will really come down to the hardware they release and the experience they can bring.

If they decide to release a phone that is. Right now it's all speculation until I see the hardware.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I never liked Android so no I wouldn't it's either Microsoft or Apple, I would even consider blackberry over Android


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In a first place I bought Lumia because it was Nokia phone not because it was WP.

So, yes if Nokia move to Android I'll definitely buy that phone.


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May 31, 2013
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In my case, I also bought my Lumia because it was a Nokia. But unexpectedly I also became an MS fan because of it. Now I am having a hard time on which among these two companies will I support more. I cannot support both because I am not that rich to buy two phones lol


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Jan 3, 2013
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Well nokia of the old is no more... The full team is now in microsoft. They may probably licence the name to foxconnn or something...
But yeah if they make a real flagship with market leading camera and specs why not?
I don't care if its android... google makes sure android users have top class experience atleast with their apps...


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Well nokia of the old is no more... The full team is now in microsoft. They may probably licence the name to foxconnn or something...
But yeah if they make a real flagship with market leading camera and specs why not?
I don't care if its android... google makes sure android users have top class experience atleast with their apps...

The 'full team' is not with MS. They closed the Nokia plants and some of the designers left and laid off other employees.

This is what happens when you merge with another company.

I still don't get the devotion to Nokia though. Yeah I liked their products but I wouldn't say they were the best.


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The 'full team' is not with MS. They closed the Nokia plants and some of the designers left and laid off other employees.

This is what happens when you merge with another company.

I still don't get the devotion to Nokia though. Yeah I liked their products but I wouldn't say they were the best.

well some companies develop an enduring following..dont exactly know how or why..
nokia has made some exciting and innovative products in their history especially in the camera department. they may not have always made the best phones but they have made some pretty great phones which gained cult status.
look at apple? can we say they always make the best products? yea they make great products,but u can say their products are always the best? i don't think so...but look at their following?

some companies are able to get the love and admiration of masses...dont know exactly why ,but only few manage to do it...Nokia was one of them..


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well some companies develop an enduring following..dont exactly know how or why..
nokia has made some exciting and innovative products in their history especially in the camera department. they may not have always made the best phones but they have made some pretty great phones which gained cult status.
look at apple? can we say they always make the best products? yea they make great products,but u can say their products are always the best? i don't think so...but look at their following?

some companies are able to get the love and admiration of masses...dont know exactly why ,but only few manage to do it...Nokia was one of them..

I've used a lot of Nokia products. Phones, headphones and other devices. I know they're OK. I wouldn't say they're spectacular. Their sound tech was good but somehow got shelved when they concentrated on cameras. The camera tech has gotten better but so has the competition. The main camera designer went to Apple if my memory is correct.

Why they're popular? Nostalgia probably. Thing is, even if they make phones again it will be an up hill climb. That's if they even release their phones where you can buy them. They only released the N1 in China.

However, this is besides the point. If you're only on WP because of Nokia you're on it for the wrong reasons. Wanting Nokia to make WP again is probably not going to happen. Everything they've done recently has been with Android. If you're moving to Android because of Nokia then I'm at a loss as to why you bothered with WP anyway.

As I've learned in life. With products things happen. They get changed, 'updated'. They create a replacement. They stop making it completely. This is the reality of our consumer driven economies.


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I've used a lot of Nokia products. Phones, headphones and other devices. I know they're OK. I wouldn't say they're spectacular. Their sound tech was good but somehow got shelved when they concentrated on cameras. The camera tech has gotten better but so has the competition. The main camera designer went to Apple if my memory is correct.

Why they're popular? Nostalgia probably. Thing is, even if they make phones again it will be an up hill climb. That's if they even release their phones where you can buy them. They only released the N1 in China.

However, this is besides the point. If you're only on WP because of Nokia you're on it for the wrong reasons. Wanting Nokia to make WP again is probably not going to happen. Everything they've done recently has been with Android. If you're moving to Android because of Nokia then I'm at a loss as to why you bothered with WP anyway.

As I've learned in life. With products things happen. They get changed, 'updated'. They create a replacement. They stop making it completely. This is the reality of our consumer driven economies.
honestly why are u deciding right and wrong reasons for me and others?many people bought windows phone coz it was a nokia...and nokia was making only WP then..so since they wanted a nokia they were willing to try WP..for those people it was right reason...u have no reason to judge it as wrong....

and who said i was hoping nokia would make a wp ?why i bothered with wp? because of reasons i mentioned above...and more over microsoft apps were better on wp and their were many features i could have only on WP..at this point none of those is there anymore...
so i don't think u need to judge peoples reason for using a wp..


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honestly why are u deciding right and wrong reasons for me and others?many people bought windows phone coz it was a nokia...and nokia was making only WP then..so since they wanted a nokia they were willing to try WP..for those people it was right reason...u have no reason to judge it as wrong....

and who said i was hoping nokia would make a wp ?why i bothered with wp? because of reasons i mentioned above...and more over microsoft apps were better on wp and their were many features i could have only on WP..at this point none of those is there anymore...
so i don't think u need to judge peoples reason for using a wp..

I see that English isn't your first language. Allow me to clarify.

I am not judging people are stating they are right or wrong or telling anyone what to do.

I am simply saying that if you're on WP solely because Nokia made WP then you probably came on it for the wrong reasons.

I know this also because I was on it from the initial release of WP8.0 and I remember all the unhappy people complaining, like they still do today. Nothing has really changed in the approximate 3 years of WP8.0 with regards to users complaints.

That is all. WP isn't for everyone, especially those who want 'the latest and greatest'.

If you think Android or iOS is better than that's fine. I really don't care. I'm platform agnostic and I'm OEM agnostic as well. I buy what suits me.


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Jan 3, 2013
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I see that English isn't your first language. Allow me to clarify.

I am not judging people are stating they are right or wrong or telling anyone what to do.

I am simply saying that if you're on WP solely because Nokia made WP then you probably came on it for the wrong reasons.

I know this also because I was on it from the initial release of WP8.0 and I remember all the unhappy people complaining, like they still do today. Nothing has really changed in the approximate 3 years of WP8.0 with regards to users complaints.

That is all. WP isn't for everyone, especially those who want 'the latest and greatest'.

If you think Android or iOS is better than that's fine. I really don't care. I'm platform agnostic and I'm OEM agnostic as well. I buy what suits me.

let me clarify and im out..
for me i chose WP for the right reasons as far as im concerned..what u think wrong may be right for others...
and as for users complaining ,i can't talk for them..for me WP was the best option at that time..some exclusive apps which i needed were there only for WP in our country, best office apps in a phone, mix radio app, the camera, it was the best option for me at that time regardless of NOKIA name( yea it played a big part too.)
the same can't be said now..all the exclusive features which were there for WP are there in better forms on other platforms including microsoft services..
right now only thing that keeps me on WP is the 1520..i bought it when it was released at full price ,no contract...and with the price i invested in it i want to hold on to it for bit more esp since its not failing me hardware vise..

Dr Sammy

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Jul 9, 2014
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I'll give you one example, Y makes pizzas, Z has the masters who bring recipes to it, What Y was expert at was they had a team and famous place to make it.
Now Imagine, Z bought the place and the team(most of them) and they already have master minds behind unique recipes.

Now Y(with NO place left) asks X's to make pizzas at their places but when they are selling it, they label with Y.

But the actual worthy piZZas went with Z.

Y is Nokia here, Z is Microsoft.
This is just a basic representation. I hope you guys understood the situation Nokia is in right now.

I brought a Nokia Lumia 720 in 2013, because it was first a Nokia and more than that its a windows phone.
Now you guys might ask me ... why a WP?
I would say why not? The OS is good, user inteface is cool. The OS is future proof, windows 8 to 8.1 to 10. I know 7 was left out.
You talking about apps? This is a tricky question. How many of us use most of the android apps?
I use my mobile for basic phone use, apps which are work related, Office(brilliant), Onenote, Evernote, Office calls ?? Skype is integrated.
Games? I'm not a gamer, I would rather prefer a explosive workout. Ok this one is too personal, you guys can game.... W store has games too
Camera? Carl Zeiss Lens, ABSOLUTE STEAL, what else can I ask? Compare a 5MP/ 6.7 MP of Nokia with 8MP from other non-premium devices.

I bought a Lumia 535 recently, I intentionally didnt buy a Nokia 730, 630,530 just because its NOKIA (I dont mean NOKIA IS BAD), I wanted to move ahead, be in the current line.

Lumia 535 is a great phone.

And its not a rule that Nokia will do great with Android phones and top the list, look at where is Sony now.
Its a very competitive world, Best strategies, Best pricing, Aggressive pricing, Aggressive marketing is needed.

P.S. I'm not a NOKIA hater or Android hater, I will tell a logic why a WP for a guy like me, See Android has a huge market, so almost everyone has it, IOS? people look at it as class symbol and buy it, and yes its a great mobile, even iPhone are quite a lot in urban areas, to have a unique mobile i choose Windows, with fancy colors, Cyan? I never expected five years back mobiles look cool in it. 720 was launched at that time, I bought it, a Cyan and its a very wise decision, I love it absolutely.

At the end of the day, it really matters upon a user. one might just go with Android and choose Samsung over others or just prefer an aggressive pricer like Xiami. Or flexible among Android devices.
One goes with iPhone
One goes with Windows that too only Lumia
One is flexible to try any Windows mobile.
Nokia has loyal customers and Android has incredible following among masses n premium mobiles, I would be great combination.
I'm the one who I mentioned three lines above ''One goes with Windows that too only Lumia''. Cheers :)


Jan 3, 2013
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The only way I will buy another Nokia phone is if WP ceased to exist. For me during this current smartphone moment in time, WP on any hardware > Nokia with Android
I've owned three Nokia smartphones and they all had hardware problems. This fascination that Nokia makes killer hardware is bunk, similar to Apple making rock-solid anything, which is also not true.

Dr Sammy

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Jul 9, 2014
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I have read a lot about Screen replacement issues, which take half amount of a mid range device in Nokia, I dont know what other brands charge.
But, if you observe... thats the amount a latest Entry level Smart Phone can be bought.
People think of Economics too.

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