I'm asking on clarifaction on data usage + locking your phone.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
If I have my data turned on, and I lock my phone because it's in my pocket, it's going to use 3g data even though I'm in a wifi hot spot?
Yes, unless you've connected through wi-fi prior to locking your phone, for instance, to stream Zune Pass music --in which case, the music will continue to stream through wi-fi.
Does the phone continue to update the tiles, even when the phone is locked?

Or does it update them as soon as you unlock the phone?
The updates will continue, but unless any streaming have made the phone hold on to the Wi-Fi it will be done through 3G data.

The phone is designed to run with a data plan and it sucks if you don't have one. But for now you only have to accept that Microsoft designed it to be convenient to the 99% of Smartphone users with dataplans.
The updates will continue, but unless any streaming have made the phone hold on to the Wi-Fi it will be done through 3G data.

The phone is designed to run with a data plan and it sucks if you don't have one. But for now you only have to accept that Microsoft designed it to be convenient to the 99% of Smartphone users with dataplans.

I have a data plan. However I think Microsoft should think about it's users that don't have an unlimited plan, with the tiles constantly updating, even when the phone is asleep, people will go through their 2gb limit awfully fast.
I've never gone over 1GB, with heavy internet browsing and a bunch of live tiles.

Honestly, the only way you go over 2GB is very, very heavy music/video streaming and/or tethering

Those with the smaller data plan from AT&T (400MB I think) may have issues though
Actually, ATT's $15 ripoff only allows 200mb. It's plenty to review NFL standings every Tuesday morning.

I agree with Red that 2GB is way more than than even the busiest -or would that be least-busy?- people need.
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Tiles do not use that much data. I web browse and check RSS / Twitter every day on the commute and during breaks, plus push email and tiles. I have never gone past 250MB of usage,
Live tiles are using data on the range of kb...nothing to worry about when talking 2gb. I use the ms data settings app the deep pins the toggle to turn off the 3g connection.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I use an iPhone right now, and I got my unlimited data plan grandfathered in. However, I'm not sure if AT&T will drop my unlimited data plan and force me to go onto a tiered plan, since I will no longer be using the iPhone specific plan.
i have a gf'd unlimited data plan from my winmo tilt2 days hoping when i get a new phone i can keep it
Thanks for the responses guys. The Samsung Focus S will be my first smartphone, so I just wanted to be safe.

I will be getting the 2GB plan. It's nice to know that I won't have to shut off the 3G when I sleep...
I use a data off switch when I am at home or turn off data and make sure I am on WIFI. Without anything streaming I still get my email and updates all over WIFI I know some say that the WIFI turns off when the screen is locked buy mine doesn't seam to act that way. Could it be because I have push mail turned on?
I am a University student. Whether I am in my apartment or on campus, I am blanketed with WIFI. Common sense tells me that my phone should not use data unless I am no longer covered by WIFI, regardless of my phone being locked or not...
Does AT&T use specific data plans for each phone OS?

For instance, is there a specific iPhone data plan, a specific Wp7 data plan, Android specific plan, Blackberry specific plan, etc...? Or is it just one universal data plan?
Does AT&T use specific data plans for each phone OS?

For instance, is there a specific iPhone data plan, a specific Wp7 data plan, Android specific plan, Blackberry specific plan, etc...? Or is it just one universal data plan?

Universal for SMARTPHONES pretty much

$15 for 200 mb

$25 for 2 gb

$45 for 4 gb 4G tethering.
Universal for SMARTPHONES pretty much

$15 for 200 mb

$25 for 2 gb

$45 for 4 gb 4G tethering.

So will my grandfathered unlimited plan that I got with my iPhone, still carry over to my Windows Phone?

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