I'm going to be here for a couple weeks (or indefinitely)


Nov 19, 2012
(This is mostly a copy-paste from a version I posted in the Crackberry forums so sorry about the tone)

Hi I'm currently using a Lumina 435 while my main Blackberry Z30 goes in for warranty. I've been keeping Windows Phone in mind for a while as a plan b, and picked up the Lumina to try out while I wait to hear back on my Z30. So far I pretty much like it, but there are some differences compared to BB10 that I'm having to wrap my head around.

A couple days ago I had dropped my Blackberry phone on concrete, and although it did not damage the exterior it somehow broke the LCD, leaving it off save for a few lines that terminate at the crack. I had called Blackberry and they sent me a box to send to them for a warranty repair, which will be done in a couple weeks or so - unless the damage is worse than I thought or the warranty somehow became void.

In the meantime I had picked up a prepaid Microsoft Lumina 435 for $72 and popped my Koodo SIM card in it. I had been looking at Windows Phone as a potential backup plan as I strongly disagree with the design and support philosophies of Apple and Google, and I found this phone when I was actually looking for a $200 Telus model (Telus locked phones work on Koodo).

So far I have it set up with all my accounts on it and am pretty happy with it. For $72 it's actually a pretty capable and speedy phone, and I do believe I can recorded it to others. But there are some things that are dramatically different that I have to get used to:

1. No sound profiles. I use Bedside Mode all the time on my Blackberry, and WP8.1 doesn't even have profiles. It has a "Quiet time" mode that would enable automatically, but it even mutes phone calls. I work nightshift so I do need to be alerted to calls. Quiet time will allow people that call more than two times in three minutes to break through, but not very many people will do that.

2. Switching between apps is pretty invisible, and frequent. In BB10 The animation makes it clear when a link had popped you to a different app, but WP will simply jump you over. So If I'm browsing the web and want to google bing something, typing the search terms into the address bar will switch you over to the search app as opposed to bringing you the bing search page. Or if I'm in settings and want to change something, it'll transparently hop me to a utility app, giving me the "resuming app" when I go back.

3. Systemwide back button. Coming from a Blackberry 10 device, I have little familiarity with the concept of a back button. And to make matters worse, It works different than even BB7. In BB7 you go back-back-back-quit in an app, but using the back button in WP will actually hop you to a previously used app. So if I had hopped around a bit pressing the back button would actually do this: webpage -> previous webpage -> search -> different webpage -> different previous webpage -> another different previous webpage -> start screen -> camera -> camera roll -> start screen. It's confusing as hell especially as I don't always remember what I was doing last. Holding down the back button pulls up what looks like all running apps that ca be closed, but there can be multiple different instances of some apps such as search or web browser.

4. the interface is different. I think Blackberry is pretty good at making it easy to view content and locate navigation and icons. WP seems to use significantly larger fonts and minimal visual cues in comparison. A prime example of this is the email app, which does away completely with lines dividing the individual emails and simply has another line break.

In the end, it is a pretty decent device. I don't fully understand it, but nothing stands out as being a really stupid design, and the things that do come up are more or less unfamiliar implementations that in the end are pretty decent once you get used to them. If I get my Blackberry back I will keep this as an emergency phone for me and my mom on Telus, and to try out the WP10 preview. I have to see how the next couple weeks go if I start having Blackberry withdrawal symptoms or not. I am using this time to fix the messes with my contacts and music (Blackberry doesn't sync contacts with outlook, which i want to make the primary contacts archive as I've lost my blackberry contacts a few times now; and my music is a mess with three similar copies of the library having been merged). Plus there's a chance (if small) that my Blackberry cannot be fixed under warranty and I may not be able to afford to repair it, In which case it's possible I might move to WP completely.
Hi and welcome to WindowsCentral. I remember you from CrackBerry. Wasn't your old avatar a guinea pig or rabbit with a pancake on its head?
Welcome for a few weeks or for indefinitely.

Only two small remark. You can use inner circle and these contacts can "break" Quit time. And the idea of Quit time is to block calls.
Hi and welcome to WindowsCentral. I remember you from CrackBerry. Wasn't your old avatar a guinea pig or rabbit with a pancake on its head?
Definitely not the most random thing to say on an internet forum.
OT: Hello and welcome to Windows Central, hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hi and welcome to WindowsCentral. I remember you from CrackBerry. Wasn't your old avatar a guinea pig or rabbit with a pancake on its head?
I think it was a guinea pig with a sombrero.

Yep, here's the one from my profile history:
Welcome for a few weeks or for indefinitely.

Only two small remark. You can use inner circle and these contacts can "break" Quit time. And the idea of Quit time is to block calls.
Which makes sense, But I like having everything BUT calls (and calendar alerts) muted.
Hey Graham, welcome for "a bit", but we hope ya stick around :) as for the sound profiles, RumoredNow has given the best answer.

Afaik in 8.1 you can select which search engine you want the browser to use. If you leave it on Bing (default) and simply type in a search command, the browser jumps to cortana (personal assistant)

The best way to multitask on WP is by pressing the back button for a few seconds, which then brings up all the apps that are open.
Welcome grahamf... I believe I remember your old avvie as well. MN (beta) in the TM area.

Anywho. In honor of your experimentation with a 435 maybe you should put the guinea pig back up. :cool:

I hope you know, that first bargain Lumia is addictive and habit forming!!!
Welcome to Windows Central, we would like you to stay on indefinitely even if your Z30 comes back from warranty repair. A lot of us are multi OS users.
Update: I'll be back on my Z30 starting Thursday. Sorry.

Blackberry had just called me a few minutes ago, telling me my Z30 has been fixed and that it is expected to arrive via Fedex on Thursday (a bit faster than expected). I will be popping my SIM and memory card into it as soon as I get it, and will return the Lumina as it is still in the return period. The $72 Lumina is a pretty good phone, but it's simply in a different class compared to the flagship Z30. I have enjoyed my time on Windows Phone (and had finally gotten my music and contacts sorted out), but I do find myself missing little random things (and I just don't care for the back button's implementation of app switching). I can see WP fixing most of my niggles as it matures, but in the end I don't need a spare phone kicking around.
Well a phone is simply an extension of yourself, so if the BB works for you, stick to it; "what ain't broke...." lol
A 435 for $72? Not a very good representative of Windows Phone, but I understand you wouldn't want to spend a lot in a temp phone. Of course I bought a 635 for $35.

The 635 is kind of janky to me, I can only imagine how the 435 is.
A 435 for $72? Not a very good representative of Windows Phone, but I understand you wouldn't want to spend a lot in a temp phone. Of course I bought a 635 for $35.

The 635 is kind of janky to me, I can only imagine how the 435 is.

the 435 is pretty flawless, but the web browser is a little annoying to navigate.

And as it stands I'll be here a little longer, past the return period. My Z30 cam back with a damaged SIM card slot so it has to go out to be repaired again.
the 435 is pretty flawless, but the web browser is a little annoying to navigate.

And as it stands I'll be here a little longer, past the return period. My Z30 cam back with a damaged SIM card slot so it has to go out to be repaired again.
:unhappy:I'm sorry to hear that they didn't fix your Z30 properly.

That's good though that you will have the 435 as a back up.

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