I'm new to W10M & wondered can Groove replace Spotify/Deezer on my devices?


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Dec 30, 2015
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Hi All,

I am a new owner of a Lumia 950 and Surface 3. Well i had a 950 for a year ago before I dropped it and had to go back to an old iPhone. I've now got a new 950 (as the price is so low I had to get it) and Surface 3 and am looking for a music app for both.

I've used Spotify, Deezer before, but not touched Groove and wondered on your opinion of it. Apple Music is awful and it forced me into the other apps.

My reason thinking is that it is a native app and I am a bit OCD in using/having only one app per subject on my devices. So, I would like to consider Groove in lieu of Spotify or Deezer, but wanted to gain the option of long term users of Groove.



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Sep 16, 2014
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Hi All,

I am a new owner of a Lumia 950 and Surface 3. Well i had a 950 for a year ago before I dropped it and had to go back to an old iPhone. I've now got a new 950 (as the price is so low I had to get it) and Surface 3 and am looking for a music app for both.

I've used Spotify, Deezer before, but not touched Groove and wondered on your opinion of it. Apple Music is awful and it forced me into the other apps.

My reason thinking is that it is a native app and I am a bit OCD in using/having only one app per subject on my devices. So, I would like to consider Groove in lieu of Spotify or Deezer, but wanted to gain the option of long term users of Groove.


I personally love Groove. It has come a long way from when it first launched and they keep adding little things here and there that make the experience even better. Groove is really a continuation of Zune Music -> Xbox Music -> Groove. I've been with it since the Zune days (still have mine and it still works, great device!). The number of songs available easily matches Spotify/Deezer and the app itself is pretty good especially in the production builds. What's even better is the web app of Groove so that you can always access your collection. Also streaming from your own OneDrive is just an awesome feature.

My .02 worth :)


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Jan 6, 2014
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Yes, and it can do much more than either of those services. The key feature, in my opinion, is the OneDrive integration. This enables you to upload content to OneDrive and see it in Groove. And, MS throws in an extra 100GB of storage when you have a paid Groove Music subscription. (though you're limited to uploading 50,000 songs)

Features like this set Groove, and Google Play Music (which allows uploading of songs but does not augment your total Google Drive storage capacity), apart from all their competitors. I would still be using Google but it's virtually impossible to enjoy it on Windows devices since Google doesn't develop apps for them, and the third party options, while appreciated for their effort, are severely limited in functionality.

Groove has come a long way and I regard it as a perfectly viable--and superior--alternative to Spotify and Deezer.


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Nov 13, 2013
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As much as I would like to take out a trial of the Groove music pass, Microsoft seems to think it is best to not allow me to buy one, due to where I am based. I wish the Groove music pass was available worldwide.


Dec 31, 2007
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I agree with Summer Moon and ChanceNC's posts above. Groove has come a long way and competes very well with Spotify, in some ways beats it. And, seems with Microsoft's constant attention and improvements in the last year or so, they are committed to Groove. Good luck with your decision and test.

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