I'm officiallly DONE with Metro IE on Surface 2


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I've been using Metro IE for the past 2 years, first in my Surface RT and for the past 6 months on my Surface 2. I'm giving up. I get constant crashes, page reloads, controls - within websites - not working properly or at all, freezes, unresponsiveness...

I can't deal with this anymore. Just last week I changed the default to desktop IE 11 and couldn't be happier. Of course I lose all the touch convenience, but it's just so worth it. While it's not working perfectly, it's certainly a big improvement over the metro version: controls actually work - albeit a bit slowly - pages are kept in memory so they don't reload, I still have to see a crash (I'm sure that'll happen at some point)... so while not great, it's certainly better.

I'm looking forward to getting, hopefully, the Win10 January tech preview on 1/21 on RT devices. The previous tech previews made IE work notably better on my desktop, so if we can expect anything similar on RT devices, I'm all for beta testing!

I was wondering if any of you have had similar problems with IE and if you're looking forward to the W10 JTP?
Weird, in my time with a Surface RT, Metro IE was very solid, albeit held back by the mediocre-at-best hardware specs.

Although with the Pro 2 I use now, I just stick in desktop IE.
I've been noticing the back arrow takes longer to load a page than visiting a page for the first time - do they really not keep anything in memory?
But apart from that Metro seems ok (new user on S2) - but I'd much rather have Firefox or Chrome and be able to inatall ad blockers - I'd forgotten how hideous the general internet can be.
I've been noticing the back arrow takes longer to load a page than visiting a page for the first time - do they really not keep anything in memory?

This is my biggest complaint about the Metro browser. It's so insanely slow to go back a page. It's always been like that and it seems like they will never fix it. Like squelcher said, as crappy as the "back" cache/re-render works it'd be quicker if they just reloaded the page down the wire.

Well at least we'll get this new Spartan browser in the Win10 consumer preview in a couple weeks. Here's to hoping we get the preview on our Surfaces too, I can't wait to ditch 8.1. It's become so slow and bogged down overall it's not even funny.
I've been noticing the back arrow takes longer to load a page than visiting a page for the first time - do they really not keep anything in memory?
But apart from that Metro seems ok (new user on S2) - but I'd much rather have Firefox or Chrome and be able to inatall ad blockers - I'd forgotten how hideous the general internet can be.

There is adblocker for IE desktop and immersive one. the tracking protection lists you add on IE desktop will be reflected on immersive one when you use it. so... I guess you didn't know that? and I always use tracking protection lists and while it's not perfect it Works fairly well most of the time with just Easylist.
I was a little disappointed with the refreshing on Internet Explorer on Windows RT. You can go to the desktop version of IE on the desktop and go to Manage Addons. Go to Tracking Protection and add a provider. I just used the first one, Easylist Standard. Makes a huge difference when going back to a previous page on both the Start page version and the full IE.

Also, you can speed things up by going to System, Advanced System Settings, Advanced and changing performance settings. At least leave smooth fonts on.

Make sure you close both IE's down or restart to affect changes.
I am using metro and it is great, there are a couple of websites that I use that work better in desktop IE for some reason and there is a scattered stalled refresh, but nothing a quick hit on the X can't fix. I love the swipe control.

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