just bought new Lumia 950XL updated to insider build 14393.5...it dont have double tap to wake option...i heard their is some update which brings back feature..what i must do now to get that feature? thank you..
i'm from india..i checked update, it displays you're device is up to date..do i get firmware update while i'm on insider preview?
Yes should be able to, I have it on my 950xl with insider.
Are you sure you look at the right place to turn on? like @pepperdotnet says?
no its in extras> touch or is it in both places?
yes, i looked at right place there is only sign in options...no double tap to wake
It's in both places, on my 950XL, running current firmware, 14393.5.
If you just started with 950xl, like just bought it.... plug it to your computer, use windows device recovery tool and it might say a new firmware is available. If there is, go for it since it doesn't matter if you refresh your phone because you just got it Otherwise who knows how long you might have to wait for it over the air.
i done that it is showing new firmware version but it is rolling me back to 10586 from 14393.5......when i get time i will roll back install firmware & 10586 then update to insider fast...