Impact of not having Adobe Flash


New member
May 18, 2011
I have been following WP7 for months and plan up making the jump when the Mango phones start arriving. Based on research it seems like Mango will still not offer Flash support, if I have that right.

For those who have WP7 phones, how has that impacted your web experience?
Negligible for me, I knew Flash wasn't and never will be supported so it doesn't bother me in the least.
Thanks. I never thought about it that way but that makes a lot of sense! Can you see Youtube videos?

I just use lazytube for watching YouTube videos, it has a bunch of great features that you dont get through the website.
I'm happy not having that junk called flash ruining my web experience and killing my battery. The more HTML5 we get the better.
Only once did I not get to see a video on a webpage. Other times it has been positive as mentioned above, because I no longer have to see Flash based ads.
The only time I miss it is when I can't see lolcat videos. :unsure: I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all them, but I can't... can't hug every cat. :(
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Since the majority of the sites I visit in IE are formatted for mobil, I really never even think about it. I was also unaware that flash was never coming to the platform. Everything I had read to this point pretty much said "might". Be that as it may, I have heard people complain that it isn't coming fast enough, if ever, pointing to Android but at the same time forgetting that it took two years for flash to even show up on that platform. Sometimes I think people have a tendency to neglect what a young OS this really is into consideration, and having said that, they have done a remarkable job so far for something that is really just coming out of it's infancy.
I was a little concerend to begin with that Flash wasn't available on the WP7 platform. I needn't have worried, i couldn't care less now if it never appears, there has been no adverse effect regarding my browsing etc.

If i wish to watch any you tube videos that's not a problem with some great YouTube apps being available in the marketplace. :)
ask ios users how they feel about not having flash. one of the most popular platforms has never and will never have flash and it doesnt seem to have bothered them. flash is nothing but a battery killer and most sites have mobile versions or html 5 now.
Flash is OLD!! and is being replaced by HTML5 , even Iphone is gona be making the JUMp to HTML5.... i give flash 2 more years to flash off the face of the planet.

doesnt effect me at all...honestly the only thing i used flash for was to play games on on my cell phone . even at that its prety laggy.
I very seldom used flash on my droid so I don't miss it at all. I don't know how the dual-core androids do, but my droid would barely play flash videos, even when rooted and overclocked.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
I've had every iPhone since the first one. I'm on an iPhone 4 right now. They've supported html5 for a while now. Most videos on web pages just play. If they don't play from the web page then as soon as you click on them they open in the YouTube app. I never got to miss flash but I've been trying new android phones when they come out. Tried the Evo, the Incredible, the Droid X, and the Droid. Always ended up taking them back and going back to iPhone because having flash wasnt worth dealing with the Android OS. It sucked that bad to me! Now that WP is about to have front facing cameras I'm ready to give it a try! It's a beautiful OS and it's just as smooth and fast as iOS. I want the Titan! If it had a SAMOLED screen it would be perfect but I'll check out the SLCD screen and see if it's good enough for me. One thing that iPhone has that can't be touched is that retina display. But I'm tired of small screens. Anyway. Flash is a battery killer! Ask anyone with a Droid how many times a day they charge their phone!
Flash is an abysmal resource-hog. Despite the sniping from Android fanboys and/or anti-Apple types, Apple did everyone a favour by telling Adobe to get stuffed and I'm glad MS followed suit. The sooner Flash dies for good (or gets redesigned to actually work without needing a room-sized supercomputer to do something a 3-year-old iPhone 3G can manage in HTML5 without breaking a sweat), the better.
I run into issues on the website...that is the only place I have really gone that won't work. That, and some MS pages that are built in silverlight. I get a sad chuckle everytime a page crashes on me and tells me that my browser needs to upgrade Silverlight.
I'm ok without flash. I just wish I could have a full web browser.

you can have a full web browser ,that has nothing to do with FLASH

Setting --> Applications --> Internet Explorer --> Desktop Vershion ( default sets it to Mobile vershion)
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