Insider & registry hack for 520, 920, 1020 rebirth?

What worked for me (try at your own risk)

What worked for me (try at your own risk):

1. Use (WP8.0 SDK Tools Lite 8.0) Application Deployment app to deploy vcREG_1_5_W10M.xap.
2. Run vcREG > Three dots > Templates: check Live interop and Restore Ndtksvc, click Apply.
3. On vcREG main page select HKLM and String, type:
path: System\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo
key: PhoneManufacturer
value: MicrosoftMDG
press WRITE.
4. Keep selected HKLM and String, type:
path: System\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo
key: PhoneManufacturerModelName
value: RM-1085_11302
press WRITE.
5. Restart your phone, run Insider app, enroll to Fast (restart), then check for updates...
Just adding this.. If any of you are doing the reg hack and are "emulating" one of the official supported phones, at least make sure that you turn off automatic updates. If firmware is pushed for the device you are emulating and it installs automatically there might be scaling issues or worse.
But we are safe if we change PhoneManufacturerModelName back to original code after all is done?
But we are safe if we change PhoneManufacturerModelName back to original code after all is done?

Sorry, I don't have the answer to this. At this point we'll just have to wait and see how the phone handles any upcoming firmware updates while emulating the 950 (the rm value you have is for the 950 I think). In any case there is a firmware update available via the windows devices recovery tool..

Maybe somebody could try and see what happens :p
Re: What worked for me (try at your own risk)

What worked for me (try at your own risk):

1. Use (WP8.0 SDK Tools Lite 8.0) Application Deployment app to deploy vcREG_1_5_W10M.xap.
2. Run vcREG > Three dots > Templates: check Live interop and Restore Ndtksvc, click Apply.
3. On vcREG main page select HKLM and String, type:
path: System\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo
key: PhoneManufacturer
value: MicrosoftMDG
press WRITE.
4. Keep selected HKLM and String, type:
path: System\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo
key: PhoneManufacturerModelName
value: RM-1085_11302
press WRITE.
5. Restart your phone, run Insider app, enroll to Fast (restart), then check for updates...

The procedure I found in many links in forum asks about deployin a 2nd app, which gave always an error to me.
I'll try later, vcReg is already in Phone
Thatnks a lot!
PS: using togheter a 650 + 520 let me notice how slow win10 runs on 512 MB.... I never notice that before... slower 4x and more

EDIT: saved original name, changed successfully in RM1085

Passet to Fast ring, rebooted, installed Fast Ring config, rebooted, checked again and...
No updates.

Last edited:
I can confirm that I performed this hack on my 1520 to give Redstone a whirl before it became widely available (as of today, actually). The WDRT ignored my registry settings and immediately recognized my phone as a Lumia 1520. This may be a "your mileage may vary" situation but I strongly doubt that editing your registry to emulate a 950 for OS updates will cause the phone to try to install an invalid firmware. Time will tell. :)
I used the following method..

Step 1 - Looked at WP Central news section as I do daily
Step 2 - Read the thread about eligible devices
Step 3 - Went teary eyed at the non sight of 920 or 1020
Step 4 - Read the reasons MS gave
Step 5 - Lovingly kissed 1020 goodbye
Step 6 - Shoved it under table leg that was wonky
Step 7 - Looked at the free BT speaker I got with it and smiled....

the free things worth more than the thing it came free with

Seriously though..MS WAKE UP U NUMPTIES!!!!!
I can confirm that I performed this hack on my 1520 to give Redstone a whirl before it became widely available (as of today, actually). The WDRT ignored my registry settings and immediately recognized my phone as a Lumia 1520. This may be a "your mileage may vary" situation but I strongly doubt that editing your registry to emulate a 950 for OS updates will cause the phone to try to install an invalid firmware. Time will tell. :)

Interesting experience! I've seen some other users claim that they did get firmware update which caused scaling issues, which is why I brought it up..
Re: What worked for me (try at your own risk)

I put a 950 sign in my 520, but nothing. Later I'll try the 650 sign.
I guess there's a RAM check somewhere in Insider config update files, there's only one in forum that upgraded a 520 but I cannot find him

Nope. That's not working on 512 MB. I'll try finding a chinese local lab could replace memory chip for 50 € as they actually do on iStuffs :smile:
Install it using windows phone power tool. Also turn on developer mode and pair ur device with PC. You need bisual studio to run windows phone power tool. So many things to run RS build on 512 ram phone. So if u can do it..then go on....
Originally posted by Maurizio Troso
Originally Posted by JIPPY422
It really works ..i have installed it last week on lumia 535 and 525

With Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1 I tried to install vcReg 1.5 but I got an error: The manifest could not be loaded and may not be valid
Nice! I thought if there's a way to get later updates because 10586 looks like it will never get an update again.
But I'll wait until they merge branches, then try this (hopefully still working) trick.
Adjmol over at xda did have 14291 running on his 635, so not sure why yours isn't working.. but I wouldn't try it with a 512mb device lol

Just fot testing spirit and a sense of fairness to the logo Nokia I loved for 15 years :)
hey there! just wanted to check in and tell you all that my 1020 is running pretty well on 14376 :smile:
Question about downloading vcreg etc
I decompress the zipfile but there is no xap file in it. is it supposed to be in the zip file?

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