Instagram on Lumia 640 Windows 10?

Do it! You know you miss it... lol.
Yes, I do lol. The SE is solid, but also pretty boring. I did it. Now only if I can get my Espn notifications to work. Ahh.

Edit: The ESPN app not giving me notifications is annoying me. Aside from that, it's decent, but I see myself switching back (or to something else!) because of this one thing.
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Re: Instagram on Lumia 640 Windows 10

I know I was being sarcastic...

Hard to tell without proper emoticons / tags especially with the amount fud some people like spreading around :P.

People aren't telepathic you know :grincry:.
Re: Instagram on Lumia 640 Windows 10

Hard to tell without proper emoticons / tags especially with the amount fud some people like spreading around :P.

People aren't telepathic you know :grincry:.

Their not? I didn't realize... I forgot everyone wasn't a Betazoid like myself. I will try harder to be more tolerant of the non telepathic species...:grin:

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