Installed Windows 11 on Windows 10

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Oct 8, 2021
Did this by using the bypassing the computer requirements.

Installed great. Then I decided to reinstall Windows 10 again.

So I downloaded Windows 10 from the Microsoft store. The installation was like it should be. But when I came to set up. Did that. Then the computer rebooted back to the same setup screen. I did this about three times.

Nothing changed.

Any ideas how to resolve this?

How can this be resolved. I have a Windows 8.1 disk that I used. But, there is a product key needed. I never had one. These disks came from the computer seller. Like many years ago.
Do a clean install by using flash drive or cd. Your computer automatically read the product key from your OEM Reserved partition if no then skip the product key page by clicking (I dont have the product key) follow the installation setup and after install activate your windows manually by your product key you have...
Originally posted by OneMarcilV
Did this by using the bypassing the computer requirements.

Installed great. Then I decided to reinstall Windows 10 again.

So I downloaded Windows 10 from the Microsoft store. The installation was like it should be. But when I came to set up. Did that. Then the computer rebooted back to the same setup screen. I did this about three times.

Nothing changed.

Any ideas how to resolve this?

How can this be resolved. I have a Windows 8.1 disk that I used. But, there is a product key needed. I never had one. These disks came from the computer seller. Like many years ago.

>Downloaded Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store
how do you download windows 10 from the Microsoft store??????????
Good question. The answer is one can’t.

I meant from the Microsoft webpage.

I just simply created a bootable restore from my other Windows 10 computer.

Then somehow I was able to then after getting the computer to work using the restore idea install Windows 11 Home edition.

The computer is working great now.
I am still receiving updates for Windows 11. Just tonight there were 2 KB updates and a bunch of installed applications including Microsoft installed applications.
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