I upgraded my iPad and have been playing with the OS for several hours. I've got to say, in many ways it feels like amateur hour. It's like Apple put a bunch of amateur designers on it and failed to test usability properly. Or worse, they outsourced the bulk of it. There are violations of basic UX principles here, which is crazy because some of it was established years ago by Apple themselves.
I'd bore everyone with specifics, but suffice it to say, as a creative director I'd reject a good portion of what I saw. Not the core aesthetic, which isn't bad, but a lot of stuff related to usability and visual clarity. If you thought selecting and editing text was bad before, try it in iOS 7. Without a doubt, this release would have never seen the light of day under Jobs.
I think Microsoft needs to educate Apple in how to design a minimalist, typography-based OS. But, hey, from a marketing perspective it made the desired impact. Apple will never really admit fault, so we'll suffer until they fix some of this crap.