ipad 2 vs samsung slate w/ win8...

My sister is a big Apple fan, but after seeing that she said she may have changed her mind.

But then I told her she will have to wait a year. Haha
yea it is early stages, but i am glad they are teasing it already... lets us who are considering a tablet know whats coming! i was very close to purchasing a tablet last month, and decided to wait for a win8... unlike others, i want my tablet to do everything a pc does... i dont need another oversized phone? in one of pronks columns, he stated his readers hated it, and that they didnt need all that in a tablet? WHAT? thats crazy, why wouldnt you want your tablet to everything a pc does? the ipad is literally an oversized ipod touch? it doesn have a full OS... rather a mobile OS. although this is very early, there is absolutely no comparison at all. and for those of us who watched the BUILD demo, we know what the possibilities are with this eco system, and in addition, whats coming! im stoked

Ipad looks like a kids play thing compare to W8.....that you by at TOY*R*US for 19`95......
Also, if someone doesn't need a full blown PC in slate form, they could just get a Windows 8 ARM tablet.
I'm sure Apple will have raised their game by the time the Win 8 tablets ship so it's a bit pointless comparing at the moment.

I think we're entering exciting times as consumers though...the more good options the better ;)
I'm sure Apple will have raised their game by the time the Win 8 tablets ship so it's a bit pointless comparing at the moment.

I think we're entering exciting times as consumers though...the more good options the better ;)

not really

Apple alredy raised the bar with IOS 5 witch will come out what? 3-6 months before W8 tablet.... then w8 tablet will have a 6month advantige before Ios6 will conme out to compete with W8...

apple is in trouble.
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If Win 8 turns out to be the game changer that we all want and hope for, I can see Apple doubling up on their efforts with iOS to target a fall release for a new gen of iPads.

Remember they were apparantly set for a new version of iPad to ship about now (with retina display and all the bells and whistles that goes with that) which has been deleayed due to hardware sourcing issues. They'll already be developing new stuff (and looking VERY closely at what Win 8 is doing to see what bits they can pinch to improve their own).

I will agree though, that the current Win 8 build is indicating a final version which will blow all the current stuff out the water. I think the biggest losers could be Google with Android more than anything though (especially if the manufacturers can get the price point nailed)
not much more apple can do? of course they will have increased processor speed and memory, but what about the OS? they havent changed ios in years! lion was a big deal and what did it bring, not much... now you can change the wallpaper! woopie! and all these icons! apple makes a nice smooth running product, but i must admit they are boring. only reason i would consider them is because there is nothing else... android is a joke, far too laggy.

i mean look at the ipad as compared to ipad 2, they are the same d*mn thing! one is thinner.
look at the iphone 3g vs iphone 4, same d*mn thing, one is sleaker with a flat back... so what would a next gen ipad bring that would honestly enhance that experience? or better yet, how could you ?
I can think of a lot of things which would enhance the experience... but those things go against the locked down nature of iOS (and is the reason I never went for Apple devices other than a 1st gen iPod touch and a current gen iPod nano).

If I was sticking with the Apple philosophy, I'd be looking at ways of bringing the productivity programmes they have for their desktops (stuff like Final Cut Pro, an expanded Garage Band, etc). Is through these programmes where Apple gained a lot of it's reputation. If you had a retina display iPad that was capable of running the same stuff as the desktop (and remember, they are also looking long term to bring the desktop and mobile OSs together) then their iPads would fly off the shelves.

The thing that Apple has (and what MS will have) going for it is the whole "ecosystem". Once you buy into Apple... you get your iPhone...your iPad...Macbook etc, it's going to be difficult to get out. This is one of the main reasons why i think Google might struggle when Win 8 launches; most people who have Android devices will have Windows PCs... would you rather go "all in" with an OS that originated from the phone one one which originated from the PC?
While Apple might lose a little market share, I don't think they'll really be "hurt". Right now they're just making so much money it's nasty. After the Windows 8 slates come out, Apple will likely still be making tons of money.

Android may have issues though. None of their tablets have as good a user experience as the iPad. And they are just selling as an iPad alternative right now. But if there's another iPad alternative, Android tablets may take an even bigger hit.
While Apple might lose a little market share, I don't think they'll really be "hurt". Right now they're just making so much money it's nasty. After the Windows 8 slates come out, Apple will likely still be making tons of money.

Android may have issues though. None of their tablets have as good a user experience as the iPad. And they are just selling as an iPad alternative right now. But if there's another iPad alternative, Android tablets may take an even bigger hit.

This. The iPad made a market from nothing and domiates it. Windows 8 tablets are different again. It's the also rans that are at real risk here from a decent alternative.
The thing that Apple has (and what MS will have) going for it is the whole "ecosystem". Once you buy into Apple... you get your iPhone...your iPad...Macbook etc, it's going to be difficult to get out. This is one of the main reasons why i think Google might struggle when Win 8 launches; most people who have Android devices will have Windows PCs... would you rather go "all in" with an OS that originated from the phone one one which originated from the PC?

I agree with this. My wife has an iphone and I was planning on getting an ipad in the future, but I just might have a windows ecosystem with the Windows 8 tablet. That thing looks pretty sharp. Hopefully you will be able to share apps between the tablet and phone like the ipad and iphone can.
I have been toying with the idea of a win7 or 8 slate/tablet to replace the deskyop or lapyop but I need it to do word etc but also my windows based bankruptcy filing program and it would be nice to be able to hook up a physical kb and monitor to help the ancient eyes see okay
Awesome! This windows stuff keeps getting better and better.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express

Ah, that's multiplayer, not app sharing. There's an unconfirmed rumour some WP7 apps will run on the ARM version of windows 8 in some capacity, but they won't run on the desktop x86 version of Windows 8. Similarly any ARM windows 8 apps wont run on the x86 version and vice versa, and any Windows 7 apps you may have will run on the desktop version but won't run on the tablet version. Unless the tablet version you have is the x86 one rather than the ARM one.

Simple! ;)
This will be an easy fight for Microsoft. It feels like Apple gave minimal though on the user interface on the iPad, when Microsoft put a team on designing an as good an innovative UI as possible.

I'm probably going to buy a W7 tablet and install the W8 beta on it as soon as it launches and then tease everyone with a iPad / Android tablet. :D
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Ah, that's multiplayer, not app sharing. There's an unconfirmed rumour some WP7 apps will run on the ARM version of windows 8 in some capacity, but they won't run on the desktop x86 version of Windows 8. Similarly any ARM windows 8 apps wont run on the x86 version and vice versa, and any Windows 7 apps you may have will run on the desktop version but won't run on the tablet version. Unless the tablet version you have is the x86 one rather than the ARM one.

Simple! ;)

Just for the sake if clarity...

All Metro Style Apps will run on all Windows 8 devices.

Desktop programs (traditional programs) will only run on x86/x64 devices.
I'm sure Apple will have raised their game by the time the Win 8 tablets ship so it's a bit pointless comparing at the moment.

I think we're entering exciting times as consumers though...the more good options the better ;)

I also think it's a bit pointless but because the two devices represent two different dynamics. The iPad's main focus is consumption and the Win8 slate, while good at consumption as well, definitely has more of a productivity slant. MS already said themselves that their intention is not to compete with the iPad because they are designed to serve two different functions. But we all know that as they announced it that the comparisons were going to be inevitable. Anything to give the bloggers an excuse to stir the pot....

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