Is anyone else experiencing these glitches?


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Since getting my Tilt2, I've experimented with apps, UIs, etc. Some from the Marketplace, some not. And some of these got uninstalled because I didn't like them, some didn't like my phone, & others got uninstalled via reset. :p All of this has left me with several issues with Marketplace that I'd like to resolve.

1) Most of the time, unless other issues prevent it, I try to uninstall Marketplace apps through Marketplace. Despite that, there are several that don't seem to be available anymore via Marketplace, but show up in my list of things ready to reinstall. Several of which I ended up getting through other channels.

2) The second category is almost as interesting. Some were uninstalled because they were unimpressive or were trial versions. You'd think that Marketplace could detect that I went from a Marketplace installed trial version to a Marketplace purchased & installed full version of the same app.

Is there a way to get rid of the items in 1) & 2) from the Marketplace "ready to install" listing, since I'm not going to reinstall?

3) I recently tried the beta for Office 2010 via Marketplace. That beta expired recently. There is a new version of Office 2010 in the Marketplace. That wasn't showing as an update to what I had installed, but wouldn't install because Marketplace thought I already had the latest version installed. I uninstalled in Windows (Marketplace wouldn't uninstall it), then got Marketplace to install the latest version. The latest Office 2010 isn't listed as a beta in Marketplace, but says it is when opened on my phone. So, I don't know if it, too, will expire at some point in the future or is good till Office 2011 (or whatever). :rolleyes:
Kraski I have experienced the same issues 1 and 2 and its somewhat problematic as far as I am concerned. My download of office 2010 yesterday did not show up as beta but I never installed the trial version from the marketplace. I assume that when the new office mobile 2010 was installed that it first deleted the versions that were present before. I would have thought it would have done the same for you Maybe deleting in marketplace dloes not clear out registry entries completely? Curious. What kuind of case if any are you using on the tilt2?
Items 1&2 Marketplace limitations so no fix for that if you don't like it send a email to marketplace support that is what I did. They did not even bother to reply to me. :(

For #3 I would try removing office 2010 manually soft reset then go back in to the marketplace and reload the new version.
Items 1&2 Marketplace limitations so no fix for that if you don't like it send a email to marketplace support that is what I did. They did not even bother to reply to me. :(

For #3 I would try removing office 2010 manually soft reset then go back in to the marketplace and reload the new version.

Ah, yes. The usual strong support from M$. :(

As for #3, I basically followed your suggestion when the phone said it was loading the beta version. The "about" screen says nothing about beta, so I'll leave it alone before I break something. :rolleyes:

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