Is having the same OS on desktop and mobile the winning strategy?

I think that Microsoft absolutely has the best strategy among themselves, Apple, and Google in terms of having one OS platform.

I know a lot of people say that apps are the problem with Windows phones but I disagree to a point. I think the real problem has been new hardware or a lack of it and its availability. When was the last Windows phone released before the 950 series? 2013? Even with the 950 it is only available on AT&T.

I think Microsoft found a winning formula with the SP3 which translated into some good buzz for the SP4 and Surface Book releases. That can happen with phones too if the hardware is there each year.

Microsoft really needs to get devices on other carriers. If they can do that AND get the stores to introduce customers to them I think they have a good opportunity at increasing market share and then the apps will come.
MS on mobile is on the verge of extinction and you think they have the best strategy? Good god.

I'm not aware of any impending demise regarding Microsoft's mobile division unless you count the so-called experts and their agendas. It's a moot point anyway since Apple's OS X is not touch-enabled and Google has no desktop OS. It's very apparent that Microsoft is about to re-invent the better mousetrap. It's also quite apparent that those who are crying and moaning the loudest are probably financially involved with Google or Apple. No shareholder ever wants to see the competition innovate or dominate. Facts of life young man.
MS on mobile is on the verge of extinction and you think they have the best strategy? Good god.

Think 5 years down and the road and not 5 months. If you lay out the strategy for each company and not get caught up in market share and apps I think Microsoft's strategy makes the most sense over the next 5-10 years. That's what I base my opinion on...who appears to have the best strategy going forward...not what some tech report website says, not what the stock price is, not customer satisfaction of Apple products, not current market share, not current app availability. Having one platform is a better option over the next 5-10 years than having multiple platforms, imo.

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