Microsoft Complete is the ONLY technology warranty I purchase. I don't get an extended warranty on anything else. Here's why:
1.) The Microsoft Store, both in store and online, has exceptional customer support, and I want to benefit from it throughout the duration of usage of the product. There are very few warranties that will allow you to take a new product off the shelf after one visit to the store. Not refurbished. Not just your same device that was sent away for two weeks. Nope, brand new off the shelf on the day of.
There have been MANY (note: not just one or two) but MANY instances of Microsoft Complete customers bringing in a product that is no longer sold, ie Surface Rt, Nokia Lumia 820, etc. And getting the upgraded version of that model for free. Even 22 months after the purchase was made. See the example in this thread in which someone brought in a Surface Pro and was upgraded to a Surface Pro 3 on the spot. That's straight up remarkable.
2.) Buying the Microsoft Complete Package in store gives you a 10% discount on the item. (At least it always has at my local Microsoft Store. I don't see that deal online.) That 10% off the item itself could eat into quite a bit of the $150 two year insurance plan depending on the item you're purchasing. A 128gb Surface Pro 3 i5 is currently $900. Tag on a $150 Microsoft Complete plan, you're essentially getting two years of the best possible warranty for $60. Does that sound like a good deal? That's because it is!
3.) I really like and appreciate the Microsoft store. I like the products, the design, the customer experience, the attitude of the employees, just about everything. I don't mind giving a bit of extra money for a service even if I don't end up using it. Yes, I know Microsoft is a massive multi-million dollar company. They don't need my patronage. That's not what it's about. It's about the satisfaction I get for getting the products and services I want. I genuinely want to support them. And I feel that they deserve my buck. It's behavioral economics.
4.) Peace of mind. I've never broken a cell phone. But my Nokia Lumia Icon is on Microsoft Complete. I've never broken a tablet or a laptop. But my Surface 2 64gb is on Microsoft Complete. And I don't use a case for either of these two beauts. Why? Because I have the peace of mind that if something were to happen, it'd be okay! $50, and I'd get another one - brand new. I don't need to pay for some ugly Otterbox for my Icon. It's okay if my 2 two year old neice wants to play with my Surface 2. What's a $50 deductible compared to that kind of carefree mentality? I'm covered. And that, to me, is WORTH IT.