Is Microsoft just plain ignoring us?

Christopher Lindsay

New member
May 8, 2014
We still can't post our own videos to instagram. We still can't get a full functioning fb app. IE on WP can't even load Bing search results right a lot of times. We can't even add people to speed dial from the people app. It's one thing to implement big changes but these things seem so small to do. Does Microsoft just not care at all? How many times do we have to ask for small features before we get an answer? This is getting ridiculous.
Yes, they are as we are not Windows 10 right now, as for feature requests you should go to user voice account for Windows Phone where many popular demands were met (2 years later but still :D)

As always prepare for "the next big thing will fix that now shut up" monologue. :D
Yes, they are as we are not Windows 10 right now, as for feature requests you should go to user voice account for Windows Phone where many popular demands were met (2 years later but still :D)

As always prepare for "the next big thing will fix that now shut up" monologue. :D
Big things are getting fixed but what about regular everyday stuff. Why aren't these minor nuances getting fixed? Does Microsoft not care about quality or polishing software?
OK... Let's see...

We still can't post our own videos to instagram. We still can't get a full functioning fb app. IE on WP can't even load Bing search results right a lot of times. We can't even add people to speed dial from the people app. It's one thing to implement big changes but these things seem so small to do. Does Microsoft just not care at all? How many times do we have to ask for small features before we get an answer? This is getting ridiculous.

Did Microsoft acquire Instagram? How are they responsible? Replay that first sentance and insert FB... I really don't understand how so many users want the OS to be held primarily accountable for 3rd party services.

Instagram is ignoring you.
Facebook is (infamously) ignoring you.

"Dear Walmart,
Burger King won't sell me the type of french fries I want. Fix it."

Makes just as much sense.

Speed Dial? It's right there. Open your Phone app, scroll over to the Speed Dial page and tap the + symbol. It opens your People app and you simply tap on the entry you want added to Speed Dial. How is that significantly different from what you are asking? It's the same number of steps as open People App, scroll to the entry you want to add, open the entry and tap on some add to Speed Dial option. How is this an issue? Simply the order needed to accomplish it? If it was done that way on one OS does not mean that all others have to follow that format.

I'm not experiencing any issues re: IE loading search results... Do you have any examples?
OK... Let's see...

Did Microsoft acquire Instagram? How are they responsible? Replay that first sentance and insert FB... I really don't understand how so many users want the OS to be held primarily accountable for 3rd party services.

Instagram is ignoring you.
Facebook is (infamously) ignoring you.

"Dear Walmart,
Burger King won't sell me the type of french fries I want. Fix it."

Makes just as much sense.

Speed Dial? It's right there. Open your Phone app, scroll over to the Speed Dial page and tap the + symbol. It opens your People app and you simply tap on the entry you want added to Speed Dial. How is that significantly different from what you are asking? It's the same number of steps as open People App, scroll to the entry you want to add, open the entry and tap on some add to Speed Dial option. How is this an issue? Simply the order needed to accomplish it? If it was done that way on one OS does not mean that all others have to follow that format.

I'm not experiencing any issues re: IE loading search results... Do you have any examples?
You already said it. Is the same thing. I should be able to add to speed dial from any time I have their contact information up. Why do I need to leave the contact information just to pull it back up. And as for IE. It sucks. Type in any word in the search bar and you get the mobile version. Even if you have desktop version on by default. Even if you type in I can only get the desktop site if I browse in private mode. Try pulling up the search results at the actual site and clicking pictures or videos and see how the search bar on the page stops responding or how the window when you click a video or image stops responding or starts flickering. And this is on a 1520. As far as complaining to instagram. No app does it because the OS locks the feature.
Type in any word in the search bar and you get the mobile version. Even if you have desktop version on by default. Even if you type in I can only get the desktop site if I browse in private mode. Try pulling up the search results at the actual site and clicking pictures or videos and see how the search bar on the page stops responding or how the window when you click a video or image stops responding or starts flickering. And this is on a 1520. As far as complaining to instagram. No app does it because the OS locks the feature.

I cannot replicate your results. If I go to IE (set to desktop mode) and type "" into the address bar and press enter, my browser displays the bing website. If I tap the search icon on the phone and search for bing, it still brings up the bing desktop website. It properly loaded web, image and video results for a few different search terms for me. Are you in an area with poor cellular connection? It's possible that some elements aren't loading or you could try the "Delete History" button in IE settings to clear your cache. Is there a reason that you use instead of the search button?
You already said it. Is the same thing. I should be able to add to speed dial from any time I have their contact information up. Why do I need to leave the contact information just to pull it back up. And as for IE. It sucks. Type in any word in the search bar and you get the mobile version. Even if you have desktop version on by default. Even if you type in I can only get the desktop site if I browse in private mode. Try pulling up the search results at the actual site and clicking pictures or videos and see how the search bar on the page stops responding or how the window when you click a video or image stops responding or starts flickering. And this is on a 1520. As far as complaining to instagram. No app does it because the OS locks the feature.
You can also add to speed dial if you have the contract info up. Just long press on the phone number and voil? "add to speed dial.
We still can't post our own videos to instagram. We still can't get a full functioning fb app. IE on WP can't even load Bing search results right a lot of times. We can't even add people to speed dial from the people app. It's one thing to implement big changes but these things seem so small to do. Does Microsoft just not care at all? How many times do we have to ask for small features before we get an answer? This is getting ridiculous.

Use 6tag instead of Instagram, you can post videos on it
I cannot replicate your results. If I go to IE (set to desktop mode) and type "" into the address bar and press enter, my browser displays the bing website. If I tap the search icon on the phone and search for bing, it still brings up the bing desktop website. It properly loaded web, image and video results for a few different search terms for me. Are you in an area with poor cellular connection? It's possible that some elements aren't loading or you could try the "Delete History" button in IE settings to clear your cache. Is there a reason that you use instead of the search button?
Do you have the 1520?
Instagram can go to hell lol there's a 3rd party app waaay better than the official, made by a developer who CARES!

maybe we should stop complaining a bit and support the developers who does give a ****! so what if it ain't "omg official"? 3rd party apps can be as good as and many WP developers has proved that!

oh and Facebook for Android might have more features but have you seen the amount of complains on bugs and lag? heck, even on my Moto X (2013) it would lag at times!

we should stop envying what other OSes has and support what WP has and the effort some developers makes to deliver us great apps!

now that i'm back to WP, i've noticed how i missed a quality Feedly app for example, NextGen Reader is awesome!

i'm also finding the Tapatalk app to be way better on WP, really cool UI and so far works as good as the Android app
Instagram can go to hell lol there's a 3rd party app waaay better than the official, made by a developer who CARES!

maybe we should stop complaining a bit and support the developers who does give a ****! so what if it ain't "omg official"? 3rd party apps can be as good as and many WP developers has proved that!

oh and Facebook for Android might have more features but have you seen the amount of complains on bugs and lag? heck, even on my Moto X (2013) it would lag at times!

we should stop envying what other OSes has and support what WP has and the effort some developers makes to deliver us great apps!

now that i'm back to WP, i've noticed how i missed a quality Feedly app for example, NextGen Reader is awesome!

i'm also finding the Tapatalk app to be way better on WP, really cool UI and so far works as good as the Android app
I don't know if you're on the wrong thread or what but I never said anything about a different OS. I also never said anything about 3rd party apps. The limitations are with Microsoft. Not any particular app.
I just named a few things. If you go to the suggestion site you'll find so many repeat feature request it's ridiculous. How many times must we ask for the same small features. OneDrive still can't copy a link to share to clipboard. IE can't even render popular sites correctly. I couldn't even look at a GQ mobile link. I still can't log into the Akai music forum and that's with t third party apps too. Try logging into icloud and it's terrible on IE. And now on WP 8.1 cyan on my 1520 with the update I can't even change the default search anymore to Google so now I have to Bing Google. Try setting/editing a reminder without Cortana. You can't because there's no reminder app. And you guys say blame fb but guess what the fb app is made by Microsoft. Coming from iPhone WP is great but it lacks so much refinement and polish. It just feels fragmented. The suggestion app gives an error every single time I use it. There are duplicate Lumia apps that fall short in different ways instead of unified apps that are have no limitation. Two different camera apps, two maps. Both with different flaws. Things like this are ridiculous.
I don't know if you're on the wrong thread or what but I never said anything about a different OS. I also never said anything about 3rd party apps. The limitations are with Microsoft. Not any particular app.

you said we still can't post videos to Instagram lol

and i didn't really comment towards anyone but since Instagram was brought along the discussion, i talked about 3rd party apps too

oh and tho FB app is made by MS, and you said it lacks features, i was simpling pointing that tho FB Android has those features the app is not really that wonder
What's the point of adding things if there's no refinement to the poor ones now? How many screens do we have to tap the ellipses to get more options when there were plenty space to put them all on the same bar? Why can't we undo a single photo edit with Lumia creative studio instead of completely undoing the entire FX or restarting the picture.
The list literally goes on and on. Why aren't we getting small increment updates that address things like this? Why aren't we getting them in big updates either? Microsoft created a new band but still can't get it's old phone OS right. Why are they ignoring us?
I think this answers should be demanded from MS themselves...speculating about stuff will lead to nowhere

and there are lots of ways to get MS attention to this matter...why not a petition? say if it gets 500 thousand signatures, they wouldn't be able to ignore it
6tag has the same limitation. You can only record a video to put to instagram. You cannot put a video you already have on instagram with 6tag either. It's a Microsoft limitation not any particular app.
oh they updated the API in 8.1 so you can do that now. Rudy Huyn just need to update his app for 8.1

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