Is Microsoft kidding me!? Do they test their own software before they seed it to the world?

Just dropping this here for more people who latch onto the word preview and equate it with BETA. Betas are only seen inside Microsoft and never shared with everyone else. The Dev Preview is the RTM version which shipped on phones.


an inspection or viewing of something before it is bought or becomes generally known and available.

display (a product, movie, play, etc.) before it officially goes on sale or opens to the public
-A definition for those too lazy to check
As Daniel Rubino, Tom Warren and Joe Belfiore have said 1000000times. The Dev Preview is not a flipping BETA. Jesus Christ man, it is ahead of the 630's original release for crying out loud
Yes it is up to date with the version being released but as stated it is still missing the firmware to go with it. Try not to get you panties in an uproar, ill be more specific with my wording next time so as not to give you a heart attack.
As Daniel Rubino, Tom Warren and Joe Belfiore have said 1000000times. The Dev Preview is not a flipping BETA. Jesus Christ man, it is ahead of the 630's original release for crying out loud

Its beta. It behaves like a beta. It breaks things like a beta, and if it walks like a duck, its beta. MS released Vista on the world and it was a very long way from finished. It was BETA. All of us testing knew it wasn't ready for prime time and MS released it as FINISHED code. They thought they could just drop a Service Pack on these millions of new PC's and that would make it all better. Well it didn't. People were harmed and MS never compensated users for it. It is the principal reason MS carries this black eye to this day. Doesn't matter how warren, Rubino, and especially Belfirore characterizes this OS, its freakin' beta. No matter how much you use the lords name in vain, it's beta. Its a cool beta, but its beta.
I own a Lumia 635 with Cyan update running 8.1 but don't notice a "better" experience than the dev preview on my previous Lumia 520. You guys are saying the drivers will fix some problems, but are those drivers already on my pgone or do they come later? I don't notice any difference to be honest. But my experience with WP 8.1 on my Lumia 520 was already great and except for some not loading live tiles everything worked fluid and smooth. I don't have so much complains about WP 8.1 because I always use mobile versions of websites, I use the XBox Music app frequently and except from some importing bugs I sometimes have when I transfer some new music on my phone but those bugs are fixed with just a reboot of the app. The only main problems I notice are the apps, which sometimes do not show the image of the app and live tiles which sometimes just display my theme color. But the biggest downgrade of WP 8.1 is the lost FB integration which was great and used a lot to show of to my friends how quikly I could send a message or watch an image on Facebook. But don't take me wrong, I love the new features of WP 8.1 and can't live without the notifications center anymore.

Sorry for my English (native Dutch speaker) and please correct me if something I said was wrong. :)
I own a Lumia 635 with Cyan update running 8.1 but don't notice a "better" experience than the dev preview on my previous Lumia 520. You guys are saying the drivers will fix some problems, but are those drivers already on my pgone or do they come later? I don't notice any difference to be honest. But my experience with WP 8.1 on my Lumia 520 was already great and except for some not loading live tiles everything worked fluid and smooth. I don't have so much complains about WP 8.1 because I always use mobile versions of websites, I use the XBox Music app frequently and except from some importing bugs I sometimes have when I transfer some new music on my phone but those bugs are fixed with just a reboot of the app. The only main problems I notice are the apps, which sometimes do not show the image of the app and live tiles which sometimes just display my theme color. But the biggest downgrade of WP 8.1 is the lost FB integration which was great and used a lot to show of to my friends how quikly I could send a message or watch an image on Facebook. But don't take me wrong, I love the new features of WP 8.1 and can't live without the notifications center anymore.

Sorry for my English (native Dutch speaker) and please correct me if something I said was wrong. :)

You did good with your English. Made perfect sense. Some here are power users and their needs and expectations are a little higher than yours and maybe even mine. In that regard, a 520 is perfect for a lot of people.
Oh LOL!........ Seriously, you're not even funny. When a person has a problem with their phone, telling them they don't know how to use it is lame. Calling him an ex-Android user is childish and immature also. Windows Phone has problems sometimes, and people have a right to bring it up here on the forums. You're basically treating him like he's stupid, and we do not need that here at WPC.

Unfortunately the sad reality with this forum is there are loads of know-it-all users who write such comments, especially if someone points out a flaw or limitation of WP.
What we really need is an official thread for the bugs and issues built by Joe Belfiore.
We won't grow unless MS fixed these, MS must stop working on Android they should focus on the WP.
What will be great if Nokia developers are working on WP, they made Symbian OS ;-)
Sorry for poor English
I think Microsoft worked harder on WP 8.0, I really really missed the older photos hub, Xbox games app worked perfectly and has beautiful live tile.
Microsoft make a 3rd party apps to improve them but unfortunately we aren't seeing anything :[.
We have a great developers who updating their apps, improve them and make them better everyday, why Microsoft can't do that.
We wait for each update for month or more to test them but after that... Bugs and issues X_X
Too many people have some issues and bugs and I'm one of them, too many people are complaining
But hey we have preview we are testers, MS is waiting for our feedbacks, so lets give them that on user voice.
I think Microsoft worked harder on WP 8.0, I really really missed the older photos hub, Xbox games app worked perfectly and has beautiful live tile.
Microsoft make a 3rd party apps to improve them but unfortunately we aren't seeing anything :
As Daniel Rubino, Tom Warren and Joe Belfiore have said 1000000times. The Dev Preview is not a flipping BETA. Jesus Christ man, it is ahead of the 630's original release for crying out loud

Preview implies something that is meant to be a sneak peek - it's not a beta no (my apologies), but it's more like a release candidate/gold master version (where there are still bugs and glitches in the OS), otherwise there would be no dev preview program in the first place. The reason why people like Daniel Rubino, Tom Warren and Joe Belfiore say it isn't 'a beta' is because WP8.1 is feature-locked - if something is in beta they can still make last-minute changes to the OS. Sorry for the misuse of terms :S. It's definitely not a final release, though.
Even you got the most fluid OS in my eyes I have to say that your camera App is so slow compared to other OS. It need so long to save a picture my old 3650 with an 120mhz? CPU was faster at this.
But the funniest thing is that it doesn't support higher resolution than 5MP on a 41MP phone XD you need a 3rd part software to do it haha. Integrate it to the main OS camera that it can handle it.

...I have a Lumia 1020 64GB version.

this one tickles me quite hard...

the 1020 has to process 38,391,936 pixels (or 33,562,624 pixels, if using 16:9 aspect ratio), and then condense it into a picture that contains 5,018,112 pixels (or 5,308,416 pixels, if using 16:9 aspect ratio)
this condensing process, called oversampling, combines 7 pixels into 1, so it's expected to take some time to do all the processing

meanwhile, the 3650 only has to process 307,200 pixels, which is only 0.915% of what Lumia 1020 has to process, sans oversampling

for me, it's understandable that the 1020 would take some time to process the photos
I hope this enlightens you
*Sigh* When reading some posts in this thread...

First of all, no hard reset can fix the lag in the Xbox Music and Games apps. They are simply poorly made.

Secondly, the Desktop mode is bugged right now, and it has been reported several times before.

I don't understand why you can't read the first post properly instead of attacking the OP. Stop defending Microsoft all the time and accept that no OS is bug-free.

Personally I would suggest people just ignore such posts if they find them annoying. Suggesting, however, that people "can't read the first post properly" is an absolute insult that is in the same class as those you are apparently criticizing. Of course the post is a tantrum that is English grammar/syntax challenged but you seem intent on ignoring that element of the equation. Advice about glass houses applies to all...
I know many people were frustrated with MS taking the hubs out and replacing them with apps. But be patient MS is planning on improving aggressively and consistently the experience on WP and the only WA to do that quickly is to take these items out of the os so they can bypass carrier updates and the slow process involved and update each independently, as needed, and without delay. They are doing this to allow a faster pace of improvement which is what everyone has been asking for. In order to do this they had to start anew so have some patience. It will get better.

True words mate I think to that this was the point they do this
Okay you right mate my thread sounds really to angry maybe I need to write it a bit clearer. I'm not really angry about this bugs. I have write my text in the middle of the night and write it like I'm really angry. Sorry if it sounds so angry.

I'm not attacking any member... but using moderator's black magic I can see language and cultural ways of speech may be a trigger in this thread.

I think everyone forgets that for some members, English is not their first language and their mental translation may be excellent English but gives a wrong impression about emotion. With only written words the clues from body language and tone of voice are lost. This problem is often "worse" when the writer produces perfect English grammar instead of slightly mangled English from Google Translate that gives everyone the clue to show more tolerance.
this one tickles me quite hard...

the 1020 has to process 38,391,936 pixels (or 33,562,624 pixels, if using 16:9 aspect ratio), and then condense it into a picture that contains 5,018,112 pixels (or 5,308,416 pixels, if using 16:9 aspect ratio)
this condensing process, called oversampling, combines 7 pixels into 1, so it's expected to take some time to do all the processing

meanwhile, the 3650 only has to process 307,200 pixels, which is only 0.915% of what Lumia 1020 has to process, sans oversampling

for me, it's understandable that the 1020 would take some time to process the photos
I hope this enlightens you

I know I know read it right mate. The Microsoft camera doesn't support the Oversampling method It only shots a 5 megapixel picture like on the N95. And it takes so long to save this 5 MP photo in my opinion too long they should focus on their own camera application and make them better. It would be great if the Microsoft camera app would support higher resolution on the 1020 and if it would support the full resolution. My friend bought a Nokia Lumia 1020 and he doesn't know that he need the Nokia camera application to shoot 38MP pictures. Till he asked me
Can someone copy this text and try to comment this on the Nokia camera app on the store.
I want to see if you get the same error I get on 6 different lumias. Thanks in advance.

1.Das Programm braucht viel zu lange beim Start. Wenn man einige Prozesse im Hintergrund laufen lassen k?nnte damit es schneller startet wie bei einigen Symbian Apps damals.

2. Die Bilder werden meiner Meinung nach etwas zu bunt, ansonsten top. Bei meinem Nokia N8 sehen die Natur Bilder viel echter aus da das Gr?n auch Gr?n ist und nicht neon Gr?n wie auf dem 1020.. Damian Dinning hatte bei den ?lteren Handys gesorgt das die Farben original getreu dargestellt werden... Schade wo bist du nur.

3. K?nnt Ihr eventuell die App so programmieren das sie w?hrend dem aufnehmen eines Bildes das Bild im Hintergrund umwandelt und erstellt bzw. speichert und man in der Zwischenzeit das n?chste Bild versucht aufzunehmen und im Hintergrund noch das alte gespeichert wird. Somit w?rde es aussehen das die App schneller Bilder speichert.

4. W?hre es m?glich das man die Belichtungszeit verl?ngern k?nnte? 4 Sekunden ist ja seht gut aber w?hren eventuell 8 Sekunden m?glich.

5. Wenn ich die Gallery mit den Hi Res Bildern ?ffnen will gehen meine nerven verloren. Ich habe mehrere Bilder und es l?dt bei mir um die 10 Sekunden bis die Gallery sich ?ffnet. Au?erdem war dies vorher nicht der Fall da hat sich das letzte Bild sofort ge?ffnet und die Gallery mit allen Bildern eben falls.

6. Es w?re top, wenn man beim Video aufnehmen denn Motor von dem OIS Modul nicht h?ren w?rde. In einem leisen Raum h?rt man sehr gut das rauschen bei einem gedrehten Video was der Motor verursacht was echt das Video schlecht macht. K?nnt ihr das nicht durch einen Software trick unterdr?cken

7. Langsamer Autofokus
This is not related to this forum but it would it great if anyone could me. I'm getting delayed notification under locked on my wifi and also on my mobile data. Keep wifi on under locked screen is active. I'm using lumia 720 OS WP8. Please help.
This is not related to this forum but it would it great if anyone could me. I'm getting delayed notification under locked on my wifi and also on my mobile data. Keep wifi on under locked screen is active. I'm using lumia 720 OS WP8. Please help.
Do you turned your battery saver on.

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