New Critical Update
Is it just me or is preview for developers getting au update...gears are spinning now!
Is it just me or is preview for developers getting au update...gears are spinning now!
The 925 and 1020 are supposed to get an update
For freezing and rebooting issue that are actually present on any WP devices. But Microsoft always seems to come up with some random devices that needs a fix. It's just weird.Why? What for
.no update for me. using 730 Denim with DP
i heard that L730 comes with Denim update. Than why u r saying u r using "denim dp" ?
U r confusing me now. :-(
The 925 and 1020 are supposed to get an update
Yes I know this difference of OS and firmware.
But as per my information L730 comes with 8.1+denim.
But my question was that that guy above said he is having
"(denim)- Dp???