Is the 900 worth upgrading from a 1st gen windows phone?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
I have a Dell Venue Pro. It's a first gen WP with a 1GHz processor.

Reasons I want a Lumia 900

-build quality
-cyan color
-screen (no pentile and I read it's easy to see in the sun)

Is the 1.4GHz a big difference when using the phone?
if you are ok with no WP8 upgrade it is THE Windows Phone to have right now. It feels really good in the hand, and owning both a 900 and a Titan I can say this with certainty. Apparently the updates to the camera in Tango make it good enough, though not Titan II quality.
Unless there's an urgent need to upgrade now, in less than 4 weeks we should hear about Nokia's successors to the Lumia range, I would wait for that to see what they have coming up and those devices would be better candidates for an upgrade.
No, it's not. Wait for WP8, the announcement of the new Nokia phones is only 3 weeks away.

EDIT: theefman beat me to it :)
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I have a Dell Venue Pro. It's a first gen WP with a 1GHz processor.

Reasons I want a Lumia 900

-build quality
-cyan color
-screen (no pentile and I read it's easy to see in the sun)

Is the 1.4GHz a big difference when using the phone?
You might want to wait for WP8 instead of getting L900.
If you were making this switch when the Lumia 900 first came out, then yes, it's totally worth it. I made the same exact switch from a Venue Pro to the Lumia. However, at this point, you're really best served by waiting a couple months.
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At this point. It's just safer and more economical to find used 2-3 month old mint condition lumia 900 on Craigslist or eBay for $180-250. Yes. Those are the real market prices for used mint condition lumia 900 these days. Mint

Those that have scratches go from $160-200. Usually screen is still perfect. Lots of bargains to buy lumia 900 off contract and save ur upgrade for windows 8 Phones.

Just re sold (yes re sold) my 3rd lumia for $220 to guy who needs windows phone to tie him over for next 2 months. He knows what he's getting into. I got it for $220 on eBay 3 weeks ago so didn't lose any more on deal.
You didn't mention if the L900 acquisition would be a carrier subsided contract or a cash purchase. If it's an upgrade, I would wait at this point, or buy a slightly used L900 and wait for the dust to settle on new WP8 devices (may take till late November). You can sell the L900 if you want a WP8, and your total net loss would be under $100. If you are buying outright, expect to pay $50 for a high end WP8, at least for the first few months. If you are willing to pay that, then wait. Otherwise, just get a second hand L900 tomorrow.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
Maybe if you buy a used one for $150 or something like that, it could be a nice device to tide you over until WP8. If you're going to be entering into a contract via a new line or upgrade, definitely not.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I would be buying it used without a contract.

I am on prepaid so I have to pay full retail for all my devices.

So far the best price I found is $275 for a new cyan Lumia. I will wait until I can find one for sub $250.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I would be buying it used without a contract.

I am on prepaid so I have to pay full retail for all my devices.

So far the best price I found is $275 for a new cyan Lumia. I will wait until I can find one for sub $250.

I would still wait. For a little more money and a little more waiting you would get all the goodness of the L900 + WP8 and other goodies. Buying a used L900 now to sell later when it will be harder to sell to recoup your original outlay seems a lot of effort for little gain. Your choice, though.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I would be buying it used without a contract.

I am on prepaid so I have to pay full retail for all my devices.

So far the best price I found is $275 for a new cyan Lumia. I will wait until I can find one for sub $250.

What prepaid carrier are you going with? I ask because the 900 is locked to AT&T's network. The only other available option is Straight Talk (which still runs on AT&T's network). It's much cheaper but requires more work to set up.

But if you goal was to use it on, say T-Mobile, then you're out of luck.
I am using it with Net10, which is the same company as Straight Talk.

Just picked one up for $220. It's so beautiful. I am in love...
I would say wait for the WP8 line to be announced. If you are lucky you will be able to get a good WP8 device for a decent price soon after (Like October or November) if not then you wait and the prices for WP7 devices will likely nosedive after the announcement.

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