is the 920 still rock?

yaron zeevik

New member
Apr 14, 2014
hey (i'm sorry in advance if it's the million thread about this subject) i had L520 for 6 month and recently i decided to upgrade to the lumia 920.
i really don't care about the extra weight and i need the 32 GB soo the L925 wasn't for me.
my question is if the lumia 920 with 8.1 developer preview will run smoothly as expected and can still rock for a time period of 8-12 months?
or it's a dead horse and a waste of money ?

I'm using the 920 with 8.1 and its working fine for me. Just the battery drains so fast! I have had it for around a year, and it only has a couple if scratches on it. So I love this phone. But I'm not sure when it wont be able to update anymore.
I am using the 920 on 8.1 and have no battery drain. Just make sure nfc is turned off as it is on after the update. The 8.1 update is great and works spot on with the 920.
NFC is off. And I still have battery drain. Some 920s do and some dont I guess. I'll try to restart my phone and ill get back to you <3:)
My battery doesn't last as long, but that started a month before 8.1 came out. Of course I got it on day one back when it was released. It's not too bad now, but I certainly cannot go more than a day without a recharge, if not twice a day.
A lot of people are recommending a hard reset if you're experiencing any undesired side effects following the update to 8.1DP (like battery drain) I haven't found it necessary, however, as the only bugs in experiencing on my Ativ S following the update are the duplicate messaging window, which was present in GDR3, and the issue with adding email accounts like Google and Outlook, (doesn't ever launch permissions page) which to my knowledge isn't fixable with a hard reset. Apart from those things and minor gripes with things Microsoft changed that they didn't need to (e.g. Removing functionality from Xbox music app) the update has made my phone better in every conceivable way. Performance, battery life, word flow keyboard, Cortana, etc... Overall I'm loving it!
I'm on vacation right now, so I don't wana do a hard reset. And I'm afraid ill lose everything because ill forget to back up everything
I have 920 with wp8.1. Not in perfect condition but it still working fine hardware wise. Battery draining only happen when I'm on medium 3g signal at home, when at office where the LTE signal is full the drain is pretty low. I can retain 100% for 3 hours before it start dropping to 99%. From my experience, aside from running a lot of background process low signal strength also contribute to huge battery drain.

Lumia 920 is still a good phone if you intend to buy it today. I've compared it with my friend's 1520, there is almost no difference in launch time for most apps. Apps open almost simultaneously on both phone, except for heavy games like GTA San Andreas and Asphalt 8. The camera of 920 is no match for latest 20mp by Nokia but it still perform very well. Where I live, I can get it for about $200 out of contract but the stock is very very limited and only offer in 1 colour at one time.
920 is definitely the greatest and most innovative phone to ever be made. Hardware wise. It brought 60hz refresh rate, OIS, wireless charging, stereo audio recording with ability to record bass frequencies. Most top end Android phones can only dream to have such features - HTC one tried to get the HAAC recording capabilities and got themselves sued. 920 is killer. Not to mention its probably the toughest non-tough phone out there.
I am on the 920 ATT and updated to WDP and have had only a few minor issues which have been fixed by a soft reset. No battery issues.
Well the term"best" could mean a lot of different things. For me the 1020 is best, even over the 930:)

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