So i like how people take those one and two iPhone 6+ phones that bent seriously and say Apple's build quality has gone to ****s suddenly. We mebtioned earlier lemons existed when mass producing electronics...your friends got lemons, thats all. You also made the point from my previous posts...the overall company isn't great or terrible in one region or another because one region they do well in and other regions they do poorly.
its not gone to sh*t but if a company cant admit to mistakes in design ie antennaegate and bendgate and also asks me to pay up $600 for a week old device under warranty and take home a refurb , and tell the consumer that its their fault a week old charger stopped working because they charge their device at night then i dont think we should buy their products any more
dont get me wrong,apple does still have one of the best quality products but their whole attitude etc is very arrogant recently
the last company which went unpopular in India this way was Samsung just after the launch of the S4
Nokia has been rather consistent in India in terms of quality and service
Moto and Asus also have stepped up their game in India and are very promising
I do agree with your points etc but you misunderstood why apple is no longer worth considering,its not just the bend etc,its the whole attitude of the company,service etc as a whole