Is the Original Focus the best one?


New member
Aug 14, 2011
Seemingly yes. After having the S and returning (which sucks because I loved it other than the audio, keyboard, data connection frying and camera button) it, playing a ton with the Flash and loving it (but hearing too many people say the maxed out the storage really fast) and the Focus, purely from my experience with the three, is the pick of the littler.

Audio is awesome, camera is solid, doesn't seem to have the issues the S does or the battery issues of the Flash. Has an awesome screen, feel incredible in a TPU gel case and runs Mango really smoothly. The more I use the other phones (and now the Surround), the more I feel like the original is the best one.
I haven't used any other windows phones, but I just got the focus (traded an android for it). I love this phone. I feel its the perfect size and weight, it runs so smooth, and I haven't found a single con about it yet. Granted, I have only had it since last night...but I have been on it non stop.
I haven't used any other windows phones, but I just got the focus (traded an android for it). I love this phone. I feel its the perfect size and weight, it runs so smooth, and I haven't found a single con about it yet. Granted, I have only had it since last night...but I have been on it non stop.

I have had the phone for a year, and was intially bullish, but NoDo then Mango has just constantly improved my experience.

Moving my phone to a 32GB card recently as well has propelled my experience even more. I think the growing pains with the OS has made me appreciate the humble beginnings to today and moving foward.

So not only do I think the original Focus is the best as of right now out of the three models, but probably the best WP7 device when you weigh in expandable storage, screen brightness(who needs a flashlight :p) and the feather-esque weight.

I routinely bought phones every year for years (Sony Ericsson w600, Curve 8300, iPhone 3GS, Bold 9700) but I have no desire to switch, and for me the compulsive shopper in me, that is saying a lot!
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I don't have any basis for evaluating this like you, bb, but I was relieved to hear your endorsement. I fell hard for the Focus as soon as I saw and played with it upon its release a year ago, but it took a nine-month gestation period for me to give up a sweet Sprint contract and pick up this baby. Seeing it go down to $.00 also helped, of course, as I was able to factor that in to my costs. Since then I've been happy with the phone, and fortunate that all my installs and updates have gone smoothly. The specs of the two new devices never interested me. I would have only been swayed by a Focus X that was a) more compact, and b) had built-in, or expandability to, 64GB of storage to accomodate my Zune Pass Collection.

I like your new new winter gear, BTW. ;)
I love my Focus S more than I ever loved my original Focus. The keyboard sound problem is the only issue, I'm not sure what you mean by the rest (camera button???). It's got a bigger and better screen, better build quality, a faster processor, and a better camera and a FFC.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
Oh and twice the battery life.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
Oh and twice the battery life.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.

really? TWICE the battery life?

and i love my focus, only phone on att that ive had that has never dropped a call. but in feb. im due for a phone upgrade. i cant wait to see whats available.
really? TWICE the battery life?

and i love my focus, only phone on att that ive had that has never dropped a call. but in feb. im due for a phone upgrade. i cant wait to see whats available.

Unless the Lumia 800/900 rolls out to North America, you're probably gonna have to wait until the fall or Spring 2013 to get anything worthwhile IMO.

I think that's what makes me so upset about the Focus S/Flash -- they seem like linear swaps rather than an upgrade.
I've had my Focus for almost a year now and love it. I'd been toying with the idea of getting an SD card to add some storage to it, but was waiting to see what the new batch of Mango devices would bring. I'm not at all impressed with anything I've seen, and while the Focus S has more storage, the lack of expandability turns me off.

I'll be keeping my trusty Focus, at least until I see what comes along next year. Meanwhile, I'll be getting that SD card.
@Matthew, choose your SD card carefully. Not all of them work w/the Focus, and some require a hard reset to work. Google or check xda for details.

I also found nothing compelling in the 2nd gen phones to justify an upgrade. Had my Focus since it came out last Nov. Came from an iPhone.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Yes I'm honestly getting twice the battery life and sometimes more. After a year with my Focus I was getting 8-9 hours a day. With my Focus S I'm getting at the very least 14 hours and at the most 21 hours a day.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
@Matthew, choose your SD card carefully. Not all of them work w/the Focus, and some require a hard reset to work. Google or check xda for details.

Oh, I've done my research. Don't worry. I found one on Newegg that got excellent reviews from fellow Focus users. :)
Shouldn't be that surprising that battery life has declined on the original Focus after a year of charging cycles. Li-on batteries have a set number of cycles before performance degrades.
Yes I'm honestly getting twice the battery life and sometimes more. After a year with my Focus I was getting 8-9 hours a day. With my Focus S I'm getting at the very least 14 hours and at the most 21 hours a day.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express Pro

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