Is the surround REALLY how it says?


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I'm a huge music fiend. I honestly run the **** out of my HD7 battery with constant music. But I was wondering if that speaker you guys have REALLY lives up to the hype thats it's got. Is the sound really that great?? I've yet to ever see one so idk if it was a gimmick or not
I'm a huge music fiend. I honestly run the **** out of my HD7 battery with constant music. But I was wondering if that speaker you guys have REALLY lives up to the hype thats it's got. Is the sound really that great?? I've yet to ever see one so idk if it was a gimmick or not

It's mostly gimmick. I only got the Surround because the insurance offered it to me as a replacement for my Tilt 2 that stopped working. I mean, they speakers aren't BAD when you pop them out (for a cell phone anyways), but you're not exactly going to be rocking out all that loud with them either. Overall they are slightly louder than the speaker on my Tilt 2 and probably not quite as loud as my wife's iPhone 4s and slightly better quality than both. The sound enhancement modes seem to help quite a bit with the sound quality too.

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