Is there a good music player app yet?

I did some serious testing
I converted my 96khz 24 bit "Talk talk spiritit of eden" in several formats.
except "Flac SD" no app is playing flac, but i could not get the big file to my phone by using the build in one-drive client

So i did some conversion with foobar
Flac to wav File size 495MB
Flac to WMA lossless 96khz (462MB)
Flac to WMA lossless 44khz (100MB)
I gave them all a different filename

"Muzik player" finds the wav file and plays it
But it is impossible to find out wich file you are playing. Only tag name is visible
"XMusic player" actually reports the file names. WOW!!!!! but will not show the wav file

"Audio player free" will get confused when tag names are equal and will not show all formats.
It will not find my wav file and when i select 1 of the wma files and play it the app shows both files are playing (wtf)

what MS does with its "Windows Phone-app voor desktop" pisses me off big-time
Why can i not select all and then deselect some artist?
Why can i not select a folder?

When I just copy paste to the SD music folder windows starts nagging about conversion.
It is WMA !!!!!
And were is my selection of the conversion settings?
I mean, if i would throw my flac files onto the SD and MS would ask me how to convert i would be pretty pleased but no. MS ignores flac and ignores default conversion settings.

I appreciate the effort from the app builders but the basis is already wrong.
The apps when closed will not stop the file playing. (wtf) there keeps something running in the background some will become visible after screen re-activation which give you the opportunity to stop the play-back
what a horrible garbage that MS music handling.

for now Xmusic player will be my first choice.
See how it handles .
It does not seem to support the double tab to reactivate the screen but that's not a big issue.
[edit]Sadly no seamless playing.[edit]
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Yes XMusic has the abbility to play a folder.
That's what said and that's why it is my first choice
Tags are Nifty and usefull a good player should be able to read them and search for it to build a play list.
But a player should also be able to play without it.
Decent play functionality is more important than tag handling!
And WP is not able to play decent which renders tags and apps meaningless toys.
If all apps use the same crapy background player for sound handling then all the efforts to a nice UI or tag handling are waist of time.
all music player play music same as Xbox music. I hate music players for windows phone.
have any music player that's play music good sound...
As far as I can see AirPlayer+ can't play albums in track order. A bit critical if you listen to audiobooks a lot, as I do.
Just tried xMusic and just as quickly uninstalled it. Don't want animations when playing music, thanks. Search is very slow. MS have a good system for jumping through the alphabet rather than scrolling and scrolling down a page so why not use it.
As far as I can see AirPlayer+ can't play albums in track order. A bit critical if you listen to audiobooks a lot, as I do.

This is my biggest gripe too, I have not found a music player yet that plays albums in track order. This is the case if the album features different artists.

Is there a ix for this? Or an app that can read it as it should?
Well I inherited Nokia Lumia which I intend to use mainly for music. Hmmm very poor situation re music I think.
I am bringing music onto mobile. Tagging on android fine but not working in windows.
Find it strange that I have to download software and then synch to read in MP3 files - when copying in directly files are not recognised.
Anyone know a player that is strong on tagging/folders, allows playlists and plays FLAC?
This feels like Linux o/s on PC a decade ago...............................
I might be being unfair and you can convince me otherwise but this requires a lot more effort/work than anticipated. Perhaps it is all about the cloud now (my cloud is a NAS).
I recommend trying out Folder Music. It might not be for everyone but it's has everything I need in a FLAC player. Playlist manager, music timer, repeat & shuffle play modes, neat simple UI, fast performance, recognises music tags well & being able to play the entire album at touch of button. (Sort of like VLC on desktop)
If you're not fan of using file browser to play songs, well you might wanta to give this app a pass. Btw, I use this app on daily bases & I've over 30GBs of FLAC music on my SD card.

Folder Music | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (Australia)
wait what? windows phone doesnt have a audio equalizer, where do you find this? Ive been looking for it.
I've been using Core Music Player for the past week and I can say hands down it is the best music player for Windows Phone for now. It costs $1.49 very affordable I must say.

Core Music Player
Core Music Player | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (Philippines)

A free alternative would be xMusic Player, it is a file based music player just like Core but not as pretty.

xMusic Player
xMusic Player | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (Philippines)

Another music player that is pretty good is Audiotica, it is also very appealing visually.

Audiotica | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (Philippines)


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