Is there a "real" flip to silence app?


New member
Oct 30, 2012

The "flip to silence" feature is useless in my opinion as it doesn't stop the phone from ringing in the first place. It's much easier to just hit a button to stop the ringing once it's started to silence it then to pick it up and flip it.

Is there an app available that will actually stop the phone from ringing in the first place when it is placed face down? A bonus would be if it also silenced other alert sounds (emails, texts etc.).
I haven't used it in a while, but Microsoft released a beta app (may not be beta anymore) that you can download in the store for free. It gives loads of settings like what you're looking for. I honestly can't remember the exact name. I haven't used it because I bought a new phone and decided to skip it.
Hmmm, back in Windows Phone 8 there indeed was a delay between the time the phone was flipped screen down and the time the ringing stopped. However, in Windows Phone 8.1 through the Gestures Beta app, the ringing stops almost as soon as the phone is flipped screen down - it's so effective that if I pick up a phone lying down and place it on my ear (that's not in between my head and my pillow of course), the phone stops ringing (or mutes itself if the call has already been answered). However, that will not silence the phone for other notification sounds (I was also looking for this feature... but I guess it may or may not come since some users leave their phone on a table screen down by default, e.g. myself being a L1020 user).
Use Quiet Hours. You can toggle it on and off manually in Action Center if it is one of your quick actions.

Flip to silence is ad-hoc by definition. It assumes you want your phone to ring. You look to see who it is and when it is not the caller you are waiting for you flip to silence.

Quiet Hours means Quiet.
That may be the best option available, but I don't want something that requires manual updates to turn on/off. I just want to simply place my phone face-down and it be silent. Then when I pick it up or place it face-up, it can alert me with sound again.
...I just want to simply place my phone face-down and it be silent. Then when I pick it up or place it face-up, it can alert me with sound again...

I'm curious. I've never seen such a thing. Doesn't mean it does not exist of course. Is there a phone or Mod that accomplishes this?

Got Link?
I'm curious. I've never seen such a thing. Doesn't mean it does not exist of course. Is there a phone or Mod that accomplishes this?

Got Link?

I remember a few years ago, there was a jailbreak tweak on my iPod that did just what OP wants. (from my iOS days) It worked well. Place the device face down and bam, ringer is silenced. Flip it back over, and its back to normal. It was highly configurable with sensitivity and stuff. I was very impressed with it.

OP, I think you'll want to look into the Quiet Hours quick toggle.
I have co-workers who have Android phones with this ability. Not exactly sure which app they are using, but could be this one:

I was hoping there was a similar Windows Phone app. It would be really useful to have when in meetings etc. where you want to silence your phone but not have to remember to re-enable afterwards.

No Store app can do what you want at the moment, but you do have some other options... If your meetings occur at specific times or have a specific duration, you can schedule Quite Hours beforehand. Then you wouldn't have to remember to un-silence your phone. Or, if you have a Lumia with an SD Card, you can try Interop-unlock which lets you install mod/homebrew apps with extra privileges/functions not available to Store apps.

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