Is there an app that allows you to change your theme color?


New member
Sep 27, 2011
I really don't like any of the preset theme colors for WP7. I like the purple but at an angle it looks pink and that just bugs the crap out of me because I am OCD like that.

Some apps have like different shades of the current theme on their tile and this one app I got had like a really dark color purple on it when I had my theme set to purple. I LOVE IT!!! But I can't make that my theme color :(
Sorry no. Actually, quite a bit goes into those theme colors, making sure the accents work well on other apps, with light or dark backgrounds. So unfortunately Microsoft.has limited the selection.

Before installing pre-Mango, I was dev unlocked and was able to change one of my colors to Dark Red, which looked really good. I lost lost the ability to add colors after Microsoft removed the app with pre-Mango, and then lost the color when I hard reset just before installing Mango. I miss it, but I have gotten over it.

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