Is there anyway to adjust the vibration setting (on the 3 capacitive key)


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Sep 8, 2011
I got my sister to buy a 930, but right away there something that's bugging her already.

I know there's a setting to turn off vibration for the 3 key capacitive buttons under Touch setting. But is there anyway to lessen the vibration? On my 920 the vibration was just right, subtle but still noticeable. But on her 930 the vibration was just too hard. It makes a ridiculously loud vibrating sound and vibrates too much and too long.

I have to admit it is very annoying. Does anyone know if there's a way to turn it way down? She doesn't want to turn it off either, but she will if there's no way to turn it down.

I don't think there's a way to lower the vibration. New phones generally have too much vibration(in most cases). I think a with regular use she might be Ok with it.
I think use of a protective case can lessen the vibration being transferred. Just i guess so :P
The vibration in my 930 is loud and obnoxious. Does anyone at MS test the vibration intensity before signing off on the phones?
I'm also having the same problem with my LUMIA 930, each time i press any of the three navigation keys it give a weird noise along with the vibration !!!!
Its annoying....any suggestion?
On the 930 there are two manufacturers for the vibration motor, the issue is one is too extreme, the other (mine :unhappy:) doesn't vibrate enough!

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