Is Windows 10 Mobile Really An Abandoned Platform?

Nathan Sokalski

New member
Sep 29, 2014
On the following page:
It is stated that "Windows 10 Mobile is already an abandoned platform" and that Surface Phone (assuming that it is going to exist, and I think most people are convinced that it is) will be using Windows Polaris. I thought that Microsoft's intention for Windows 10 was to be able to use Windows 10 (or an edition of it) for all devices? The page does state that Windows Polaris is "a new version of Windows 10 that comes without the legacy Win32 code", but I'm not quite sure what the reason for not using Windows 10 Mobile is. Even though I was a user & supporter of the Windows Phone OS, I accept and understand ending support for that, but with the amount of code shared by Windows 10 Mobile & the other editions of Windows 10 I just found it very surprising that they would abandon Windows 10 Mobile instead of updating or modifying it.
Short answer, yes. W10M is in maintenance, i.e., security updates like the recent one for Meltdown/Spectre, but no new features. While it shared the same kernel as W10, it had a separate shell plus it's own stuff for telephony, etc. Any future mobile devices, such as Andromeda, will run Windows Core OS. Check out the link for a recent WC article which explains it well.
An abandoned platform receives zero support, zero updates and zero bug fixes. Depending on which version you're on, it may be supported as far as next year. When that time comes, we'll stick a fork in it.
MS plans to abandon it. I am not sure, but I don't think cut just eliminate support all together without some financial risk. Otherwise, they would.
They tried (poorly) and in failing are still doing a garbage job. They lack vision.
MS plans to abandon it. I am not sure, but I don't think cut just eliminate support all together without some financial risk. Otherwise, they would.
They tried (poorly) and in failing are still doing a garbage job. They lack vision.
I have vision, the rest of the world needs bifocals - Butch Cassidy
Music recognition not working anymore. I can't download any new podcasts, Cortana looks like its gonna be canned. It makes sense to switch to android. WP is starting to be less capable.
Read into what you want but until Microsoft gives it's followers something factual it will ALWAYS be just speculation and rumours. You know, the same old story we've been hearing for far too long. They've lost all credibility with me.
Windows 7, is it abandoned ? NO

Is support going to end ? YES

Same thing for W10M. Nothing new. End of support date was announced in 2015, now that is extended based on builds.
Moan and gripe all you like, Windows 10 for Mobile is getting and will keep getting updates and bug fixes until 2019 ends. Yes Features have stopped and no new items will be added, but does that mean the Phone has stopped working?

I've just added to my Mobile office set up. Continuum is still a champ for me, and I managed to end up with a set up that can rival the HP Elite X3 + Lapdock ( a $1700 rig ), for just under $500.

Thanks to all the doom and gloom talk prices went down as vendors want to clear units. My Acer Jade Primo Desktop Bundle sold to me NEW in box for under $200 US.


Windows Phone is neither dead or abandoned !!!!! Is it being developed No.

With prices down, now is the time to play !!!!!!!!
Just because the second pic didn't show too well.......Nokia/Microsoft and their darn awesome color pickers got me addicted to Cyan LOL I'm a Cyan junkie !!!!!
WP_20180203_18_29_27_Pro (2).jpg
Moan and gripe all you like, Windows 10 for Mobile is getting and will keep getting updates and bug fixes until 2019 ends. Yes Features have stopped and no new items will be added, but does that mean the Phone has stopped working?

Going with my recent experiences using our Windows Phones we are still enduring same bugs, stability and consistency issues that were present nearly two years ago!!! They rear their ugly heads often and are annoying enough that daily use can become a chore and unpleasant. No there's nothing so far that has incapacitated phones but definitely takes all the fun out of using them.

So from where I'm sitting Microsoft's abandoned Windows Phone long ago as they seem incapable of addressing my relentless issues. So their supposed support until the end of 2019 means little to me.
Going with my recent experiences using our Windows Phones we are still enduring same bugs, stability and consistency issues that were present nearly two years ago!!!
2 yrs ago is pretty good...consider how Android as a platform finally added/fixed a bug that has been present in the code since ICS or maybe Honeycomb (National Roaming Toggle). C'mon every OS has inconsistencies and bugs some take longer than others to get fixed...

Edit: I'm not trying to dismiss that the end is near for W10M but when you look at it as a whole its not unstable or stricken with faults. It's supported on devices dating back almost 7 yrs ago (not officially of course). It's very secure and Microsoft is spot on with patches per schedule.
2 yrs ago is pretty good...consider how Android as a platform finally added/fixed a bug that has been present in the code since ICS or maybe Honeycomb (National Roaming Toggle). C'mon every OS has inconsistencies and bugs some take longer than others to get fixed

Well I must have gotten all three rejects then because my experiences with Windows Phone pales considerably compared to that of Android, been using the latter since Eclair (2009). As of today the difference between Windows Phone and Android for me has been night and day over the past 2-2.5 years with rarely ever a whimper from my Droids no bull. And you'd think with Microsoft's consistent updates resolves would be more forthcoming, couldn't be further than the truth going by my experiences.

Been using personal computers since 1987 and started w/Windows Mobile 5.0 (2007) so a noobie in these arenas we are not. So nope don't proclaim there's an OS that's perfect and without fault but IMHO Windows 10 (Phone/PC) takes the crown here. The Windows 10 Phone/PC era has been my most frustrating experience bar none and it still rolls today. Never questioned Microsoft much back in the day either but now, find myself looking the other way more and more.
I do wonder when the HP price is going to fall......
Been wondering the same thing. Maybe not until next year. The VZW model/variant was only released recently (November/December). It is a good device to have around, considering the support from HP you get, and the build of the device itself. But that is all I see in it. I really like that device, but for me it lacks certain 'Lumia-ness' that I can't live without. So every time I find myself with the Elite X3, I end up selling it off in time unfortunately.

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