Thanks for all the replies. I still have my 950XL so I don't need to buy a phone, and I still have my 640 in a drawer somewhere. I'm not worried about apps, I don't need much other than Asphalt8 and MS Authenticator. I don't do any banking on my phone.
I have the iPhone 7 Plus which I was told had a great camera, but it is not as good as the 950XL. For one thing, there's something wrong with their image processing and many pictures look hokie. I guess the camera guy Apple stole from MS/Nokia hasn't been able to recreate his magic over there in Cupertino.
But the main thing is the UI is really bad, and usability is poor in comparison. As an example, the quick settings menu for turning stuff on and off is a bit of a joke. Want to turn off WiFi or BT? Forget it, you have to go into the main settings app to do it. All the quick settings thing does is disconnect you, and then reconnects you when it feels like it. You can turn them on though. Turning GPS on and off is a real farce, sometimes you have to change two or three things just to do it.
I signed up for the iOS Edge beta and installed it last night, and it's not bad, so that's at least something. I just have to decide if I want to go through switching ecosystems all over again.