I wasn't sure about Google on WP. I have a Blackberry and I hated Bing so I made Google.com the browser start page, so I guess you can do the same thing in WP.
As far as which Office phone packages are better than what WP has, check out Documents To Go, which is what I use on my Blackberry and it has ALL the functions WinMo had. Here is the Android version (also available for IPhone, BB and Palm)
Documents To Go for Android Smartphones: Word and Excel on your Android Smartphone I guess they don't make one for the WP phones and that's too bad.
Microsoft is leaving many of us totally out in the cold because of their no sync without a Live A/C (I'll never do that) or pay for a cloud account interactivity. I want local. Does WP have potential, absolutely, but who trusts people who can't even keep the good stuff they have?
As far as Xbox and Music, I never said music wasn't important, I said I don't need a phone that's a Gameboy. Whether or not that helps it sell to the kids, I don't care, and I have a PlayStation 3 so I am not anti games.
Getting email addresses on Twitter is not as easy as you think, especially if you cannot DM because people don't want their emails floating on the net and if it's in a regular Tweet it will be. If you can use other programs then the point is moot. Why didn't you say that right away?
I believe MS will have it all eventually but right now it is a little pathetic that it took some of it's great strengths from WM and let them disappear or it is unable to put out on the net what their WP Office packages have and don't have and how one can sync a WP phone locally.
It's not one thing for me. MS has made WP too hard to use and missing lots of the features I want, not to mention syncing on my local computers and connectivity to a Bluetooth keyboard, like WM had and like IOS and Android now has.
As far as my complaining, thanks. Without people who can think, analyze, compare and try to make things better, we'd live in mediocrity. If it weren't for Steve Jobs, we'd still be using MSDOS on PCs. C:\ remember_those_days?